• we all have problems
    more than i guess we know
    how to deal with them
    i don't think i will ever know
    we can forget they are there
    we can move on
    leave them to rot in our past
    we can hope and pray that they
    won't last
    we can learn to accept
    accept the fact that they
    won't ever go away

    we all have problems
    i guess most of us know
    but how to deal with them
    i don't think we will ever know
    we can't forget that they are there
    because they haunt
    the best of dreams
    we can't just move on
    that wouldn't be fair
    we can hope and pray that it won't last
    but hey will continue to follow us
    even from way back on our pasts
    there is no learning to accept
    we have to be able to do that on our own
    we can't accept sumthing that will be
    will be there forever adn always

    we'll always have problems
    it pains me to know
    the horrible feelings
    these problems will forever bring
    the hearst they will constantly break
    the mistakes they will cause
    cause us to make

    we all have problems
    it seems we all know

    we'll always have problems
    no matter where we go.