• Ears hidden behind raven hair
    Hugging close as if afraid to show themselves.
    Dressed mostly in black
    Though not seen as one that hates
    Giving greetings with laughs and cheerful actions.
    Viewed as a giant compared to family
    But a shrimp to those on the streets.
    A young adult in the eyes of others
    But inside the heart of a playful child
    Only appearing to those befriended.
    Though this person shows such a friendly smile
    Some question the thought of any dark past
    But this person keeps them guessing with their multiple show of emotions.
    A voice rarely heard
    From a shy deer like person
    Afraid to speak out into the world.
    Laying in thought most of their time
    Of things others might think not of thinking
    This person does not fear this
    But curious of the world
    Of how it works its many wonders.
    Not even many years of thinking would answer this person’s most thought out thought,
    “What will the future bring?”