• You know the feeling
    The feeling of everything closing in on you
    The Feeling of just run and be free
    That’s what I feel

    Have you ever noticed
    That in a certain place you don’t like and how it looks
    That no matter what you do you just don’t want to be there?
    That is me right now

    Part of me says to run
    Just run and be free
    No one can stop you once you leave
    Just go
    Simple words
    But hard to act

    After many months of deliberation
    You take a pair of clothes
    And steal money from your mom’s wallet
    Or at least what she has
    And leave

    It feels good
    And adrenaline rushes through your veins
    Now you can breathe
    You can breathe clean air
    Not air that is smoke filled and disgusting
    But true fresh air

    You are no longer suffocating but free
    Free to breath free to just talk and be you
    No longer having to put up with her drinking and smoking
    Free to feel the wind with no regrets
    Free to speak your mind