• I can only hope that you understand my plight,
    Wishing that you would see the light.

    Our world is finally crumbling.
    It's finally coming to the end.
    But you can't see it.
    And yet it's staring you in the face.

    Things are changing.
    Life isn't familiar anymore.
    The technologies; the entertainment.
    All taking over everyday behavior.

    It's not all bad, I know.
    TVs, the Internet, cellphones.
    They're making the world a smaller place.

    But they're decaying our minds, too.
    Every moment devoted to these "devices",
    Is a moment we could be doing something productive.

    I know you don't want to hear this.
    The same old song and dance.
    Especially coming from a 14 year old kid.

    But just face it.
    There's no reason to lie to yourself.
    Take it as a life experience.

    And at the same time, don't ignore it.
    Don't let old habits sink back in.
    Don't just sit back down.

    Step outside.
    Take a breath.
    See what you've been missing.

    Tell your friends.
    Tell your family.
    Tell everybody.

    And always remember...

    No matter how things may change,
    No matter how our lives are "improved",
    No matter how they may take hold over you...

    You can still think for yourself.

    So put down your "toys".

    "And take up the fight."