• Hatred is a drug
    Not everyone can handle
    It gives you a rush
    And flickers like a candle
    It's a rushed feeling that runs
    From your head to your toes
    A powerful stirring
    Everyone knows

    From hating someone
    A flame is ignited
    A sudden flood of energy
    As two raging energys are colliding
    Instincts take over
    Giving a certain high
    Wishing to pounce
    Wanting them to die

    Anger is a gateway drug
    That starts with one engagement
    From a misunderstanding
    To a complete retailiation
    Once it's used so much
    That you feel as if you were ready to kill
    That's when you know
    You've gone over the hill

    Hatred is a drug
    And Anger is its accomplice
    To completely loathe one for their existance
    Provides a feeling so nice
    It's an addicting sensation
    Of complete intoxication
    Careful not to become to attached
    Because the other druggies tend to fight back