• I didn't notice you
    when I walked by.
    My eyes drifted past
    your face,
    not focusing long enough
    to see you.
    You don't think
    I like you;
    but were we not friends?
    I sure thought we were--
    didn't you?
    Why do we not talk
    Are you the one who doesn't care?
    When I reach out for your hand,
    are you purposely moving
    it away?
    Really, I have to tell you,
    you are not just another face in the crowd.
    You've seen me when I have acted
    as if hell has frozen over,
    and when I've been so happy
    it seemed like I was high.
    You've seen me cry my eyes out
    over a guy who didn't matter,
    and laugh so hard,
    milk has come out my nose.
    You've come to accept me
    as the crazy psychotic b***h
    that I can be,
    and I've accepted you as well.
    But why then
    is this invisible brick wall still in between us?
    I need your help,
    together we can knock it down