• poem #1
    I walk down the winding path
    the trees dancing in the breeze
    I stop by the water
    feeling the mist of the fountain
    I continue walking
    hearing the birds sing their song
    I dance along the path
    along side the butterflies
    feeling as if I were flying
    then I noticed I was
    emotions filled me
    I looked around wondering
    I looked on my back to find a pair of wings
    I know I am home.

    poem #2

    I lay back in the grass
    listening to the water
    the trees dancing in the breeze
    the sun burning hot on my skin
    the grass cold on my back
    the breeze, as sweet as a flower
    the birds singing their gorgeous song
    the bugs, chattering among themselves
    I lay as calm as a baby in their mothers ams
    I stare at the clouds
    white as can be
    as they dance through the sky
    picking out shapes one at a time
    a dolphin
    a boat
    a shoe
    a wheel
    I could go on for hours
    but I do not dare
    for somewhere far off in the distance I here a bell
    and know my dream must now end