• Night
    First nothing
    But faint stars
    Pricks of helpful light
    Simple non-existence

    Five A.M.
    Beautiful blue appears
    An infant made
    Out of nothing
    Blue comes
    From the black abyss
    Open blue
    Hopeful blue

    5:30 A.M.
    Sickly lavender petals
    Paint the sky
    On its sweetness

    6:00 A.M.
    The sun burns
    The sky
    Setting it alight.
    It laughs mockingly
    At those nocturnal creatures
    Unable to adjust
    To its intensity
    They shy away
    From the light
    To hide alone
    Until blackness comes again

    In the midst of change
    Roses tickle the clouds
    Soft, beautiful
    Is this transformation
    Too short
    To truly enjoy its sweetness?
    How long can the blazing sun
    Be kept at bay
    By my pink sunrise?