• As time splinter's on I know your their and it
    kinda feel's like your waiting for it!
    But is it right for myself to kinda fancy
    it as much or more! I am between like and
    love, choosing you or him has become the feeling
    from yesterday to today. Very unrequited feeling I have and
    I wish I hadn't seen a future their cause I am in
    a crossroad's and hoping your lust then anything else...
    Just thinking my mind has screwed myself over with
    a known thought that I have and will hurt my own thoughts!
    Wounded and left for dead I wish I didn't have to wish anymore and
    keep my glances to myself then anything else, and not regret
    to have seen and feel you in the same air anymore.
    You may not really know but I do and always have liked you! And
    I hate to think about how much you got my attention
    when I glanced to see you smile and thought that it was a high light of my day!
    Only when I caught it it made is a good surprise for myself!
    I can only need and time till I don't have to see you anymore, but secretly
    hope to find you in a crowd... Or just to see you and just want to see
    you grin but I can't hold on to that cause I know I've really fallen in like with you! sad