• They left me behind when I needed them the most
    Never looking back at the broken shell of a human they left
    I just lay there
    Staring at the sky of stormy clouds
    Just waiting for the rain to come crashing down on my limp body
    Waiting for the thunder to laugh at my misfortune
    For the lighting to light up my empty soulless eyes and grin at my pain
    They left me lying on a dune of sand
    The tan grains slowly consuming my still form
    Eating at me like the numbness eating at my pain
    The rain has started
    Gentler than I thought it would be
    Caressing my skin
    Trying to wake me up even though there's nothing for me to wake up to
    Nothing for me to look forward to
    I'm all alone again
    Back to the way I was
    An empty shell that breaths and eats yet never lives
    A hand brushes against my face
    Moving down my cheek stopping at the small of my back
    Another hand makes its way to the backs of my knees
    Lifting me from the prison of sand
    Into the rain and air
    I stare into his face seeing orbs of scarlet amber and a curtain of raven locks
    His lips decend
    Traveling to my ear
    "I've saved you twice now, will there be a third time?"
    A spark of emotion lights up my eyes as a small smile makes its way to my lips
    "Of course, I'll do whatever it takes to see you again...My Prince of Darkness"
    His lips curled up
    "And I'll always be there to save you...my love"