• He stood and watched it all burn down.
    His home, his town, the life he had made.
    It was all gone now.
    He heard people screaming and their footsteps as they ran.
    It was useless though.
    No one would make it out.

    He had been walking to clear his mind of the recent death of his wife and daughter when he heard shouting.
    He sprinted back to the cliff that looked over the town.
    Flames were eating at everything in their path.
    His eyes widened in shock and fear.
    His neighbor was a kind old woman who took care of him after his family passed.
    Did she make it out?
    He slowly made his way down the steep climb and saw that there was no way for him to help.
    The trees were a-blaze as was the grass.
    It was the dry season in the area and fires came often.
    But, nothing this bad.

    He listened as people moaned in agony and searched frantically for their familys.
    An ache pinched his heart; he had no family to search for.
    He would leave and start over in a new town.
    Maybe find a better job and a nicer house near a creek so he could fish.
    He turned and walked away.
    Yeah, Start anew.