• Love.
    The smell on your lips.
    The touch of your skin.
    The sound of your voice.

    Your bear hugs when we haven't seen each other.
    Your kisses when we wont see each other.
    The tears when we know we wont see each other.

    Your laugh when I'm stupid.
    Mine when you are.
    Our laughs when we tickle.
    Our faces when we tease.

    Your seriousness when you say something full heartedly.
    Mine when I reply.
    How we get along.
    How we argue.
    How I care.
    How you do too.

    How I think about you.
    How you think about me.
    How I need to feel connected.
    How you connect so easily.
    How we breath. Just to live.

    How we're stupid.
    How we're smart.
    How I know.
    How you're clueless.

    How the list could go on and on, but we don't know why.