• America
    The land of the free
    Where my voice
    Is heard
    From east to west
    And north to South
    The red, white and blue

    Sing volumes
    To other nations
    We are free
    And proud of
    Our heritage

    For we can vote,
    Raise a family,
    Or if were lucky
    Hold office
    Without fear

    Red the color of rose
    The same drop of life
    In all of us
    The symbol help
    Is on the way the
    Red Cross

    White the color of
    First fallen snow that
    Laces the ground

    Blue the color of
    Lakes, streams and oceans
    That brings water to
    Our nation

    The stars in the flag
    Show, if all 50 states
    Stand together
    Nothing can penetrate
    The soul of America

    For United we
    In honor of
    Those who
    Serve our
    Country and
    Our flag

    May our flag
    Bring hope, passion
    And most of all