• Through him she cant see
    How it has to be
    There is so much that exscapes her, thats amiss
    with his sweet kiss
    for its a cover over
    for him danceing with Clover
    and singing to Anne
    and kissing his friend Manny
    Yet shes afraid to say
    that she doesnt want it this way
    she wants him to be
    her key
    to her heart
    instead of running around with girls screatly throwing darts
    at her soul
    thier first kiss on super bowl
    had become a distant thing to her
    Always shall there be a bure
    in the side of she
    because shes afraid to see
    what hell make her forget
    Every girl he and she met
    shes always afraid hell leave her for
    and go marching out the door.
    shes afraid to yell
    and ring the bells
    on him not showing up
    cause shes afraid it will end like a empty cup.