• Why did he leave me in the dark?
    The knife strikes my arm. Pain soars past my body. I bite my lip to keep it at bay. Blood wells up in the mark.
    Why did she take away my love?
    The knife strikes my arm. Pain soars past my body. I bite my lip to keep it at bay. Blood trickles over the mark.
    Why did we have to be apart?
    The knife strikes my arm. Pain soars past my body. I bite my lip to keep it at bay. Blood flows down my skin.
    Why is everything going wrong? Why do I hurt myself? Why can't I stop?
    I look at the cuts, some scarred, some healing, some flowing freely.
    My heart beats blood out of my body, killing me slowly but with every slice the speed increases.
    My eyes blink out tears and the memory of all the pain floats away with them. They comfort me and my life is satisfied.