• My life is like a book, forshadowing a bad end
    Tragedy and pain, guilt and loss, is this what i call a freind?
    always smiling, but im saddnednd enraged on the inside, what a blend
    everytime i see you, you make me feel so deprssed with the feelings you send

    Every day, i want to end this, but i find myself taking a mere break
    you do these things, then apoligize and i fall for it, i must stop, for my sake
    my heart can not bear it anymore, i dont know how much more i can take
    i end this today, this cycle hate you love to make

    Forget who i am, and forget what you forgot
    i will simply vanish, bit by bit, time will go on, ticking and not end for a tock
    your memories of me will fade, even if not by alot
    but even if you forgot, the time we shared happned, if you remember or not