• So you think you fall in love...
    That person is not going to be there for ever, no matter how many times they reassure you.

    So you say I love you to someone.....
    love never last or is fake to begin with. No matter if you would give your life to someone if they made you happy by saying those three words.

    So you don't care if you are not good enough...
    To them, you will never be.

    So you don't mind being second best....
    You may say that and want to believe it, but it tears you to bits inside know that you will never mean the same to the person you love and set as number one in your life.

    So you don't mind the pain..
    All the pain brings is sadness that cannot be forgotten, just like the person or the aspect of them that made you dream.

    So you feel like it's not worth living when they are upset with you...
    Go stab your self. If you don't, I am sure the person you supposedly love will do it to you with words, gestures, or physically.

    So you feel that being with that person is happiness....
    Sometimes happiness is just an illusion.