• My life's in shambles,
    Suddenly dying,
    The odd conversations,
    I hear, are crying,
    Their words, like brambles,

    Lifting my heart,
    Into my own eyes,
    I can see everything,
    That makes me sigh,
    My dying at start,

    Losing my mind,
    Gaining another,
    Like when you remove,
    The thoughts of a mad mother,
    That, plus more is the kind,

    My final breath takes place,
    Slowly, then to a stall,
    My eyes close temporarily,
    But open like a kid at a mall,
    My eyes now matching my new face,

    I may be dead in life,
    But my spirit's still alive,
    In another realm of mine,
    Alive, and trying to thrive,
    Living and dying without strife.