• There was once a woman
    She always wore blue
    She never spoke a word
    And never sang a tune
    She always had on a smile
    Then one day i said hello

    To my surprise she replied hello
    And i thought to myself was that the woman
    Suddenly she began to smile
    That day, the sky was so blue
    The wind played a whistling tune
    She spoke so i had to speak another word

    My mouth opened, there was a flow of words
    Then a man came up and to the both of us he said hello
    He said hello like he was singing a tune
    He looked at the woman
    He said why do you always wear blue
    She didnt reply she just smiled

    So i also smiled
    There were no words
    So the man started to feel blue
    His eyes wandered, to get his attention i said hello!
    I heard something it was the woman
    She started to sing a tune

    It was a very slow tune
    While she was singing she was still smiling
    The man and i looked at the woman
    She sung with grace, every single word
    Noone said anything not even a hello
    The man felt relieved and not so blue

    We just watched the woman dressed in blue
    As she was singing that beautiful tune
    I remembered this all started with hello
    And a little smile
    Then all of a sudden i opened my eyes there was no sound not a word
    Then i just stood there staring at the smiling woman

    The woman who always wore blue who never said a word and never sang a tune who always smiled finally said something it was hello.
    Or was it just my IMAGINATION