• The green smoke billowed out again from under my bed
    Dark green pushed itself against the walls whispering it's secrets
    The dark brown of the edges of my bed bend and distort themselves
    How strange, my mind was an endless darkness and i was free-falling
    Air moved through my hair furiously cutting my lungs
    Long branch-like arms wrap around my waist and pull me in
    My mother appears crying in my arms
    Dry blood stains her cheeks
    Her hand points behind me and a cold wind blows her away,
    Into the trees her ashes fall
    Little orbs of light surround me,
    Their light slowly fading darker and darker with every second
    I walk up to the largest and peer inside
    My cheeks burn and tears roll down my cheeks
    My dried blood mixes with the pearls and escape together
    Happy smiles swirl around,
    I search further and surface with those distorted faces
    My heart beats a brave new rhythm inside me as the earth falls apart
    The dark abyss forms again under me but this time i cease to fall
    Closing my eyes i feel a breeze hit my face, ripping apart the chains that bind me
    I open my eyes and find myself in bed
    Beams of a risen sun mark the room in a holy light
    Looking up at the ceiling i see the calming white of a new shade