• Do my riddles confuse you as light dances across the sky?
    Do people such as you feel such as they?
    Do you watch as the moons twist around themselves causing grivence and joy?
    Does anyone truly hold the key to life or do we merely entertain ourselves by saying we do?
    Life is a giant riddle as water whirls and heaves and the grass trembles as it is walked upon?
    Is there confusion where there should be knowledge or do you twist and turn like the moons?
    Moons of a time long gone but yet to come?

    Second Poem

    What is love?
    Dancing between one another?
    Wishing the time would go on?
    Men and women standing together side by side hand in hand?
    Love is bound to one another?
    Till one day she gets hit by a truck?
    Will your everlasting love still remain?