• I remember,
    Sometime before I knew.
    And though he was the first that year,
    to me he was nothing new.
    Is there more to this old story?
    Was there something left behind?
    It just wasn't for me, I'm sorry I never could look at you.

    The ghost of the past reach your hands out and touch me once again.
    Pull me down in memories and a hurt that doesn't end.

    I remember,
    It was sometime in late march.
    Although we talked like best friends
    we were always worlds apart.
    Those days are like a ghost to me.
    Tapping me on the shoulder
    Not just a dream but a memory
    But now we grow older.

    The ghost of the past reach your hands out and touch me once again
    Pull me down in memories and a hurt that doesn't end.

    I remember,
    You used to make me smile,
    But I got caught up with myself
    I'm sorry for wasting your precious time
    Putting you upon a shelf.
    Apart of me wants punishment for what I know was wrong
    You never did though mentally I begged
    Whatever made you so strong?

    The ghost of the past reach your hands out and touch me once again
    Pull me down in memories and a hurt that doesn't end.

    I remember,
    Where were you when I was alone?
    When I struggled to get back on my feet.
    Somehow I found you when I did
    before I died completely.
    You saved the part of me that was doomed to fade away
    I'll walk by you in the eternal light
    for as long as you'll let me stay. heart