• "Pitiable, Curable Dilema"

    When the world is on it's end,

    time tilts precariously.

    I want so badly to withdraw from this race,

    stop the worries,

    forget the debts,

    ignore all of my duties

    Let it all just disappear.

    Let me just disappear.

    Selfish? Yes, I'm aware.

    Cowardice? I know that too.

    But what do you do when,

    suicide isn't the answer,

    and going on feels,

    like immenent disaster?

    Throw in the towel,

    or give a stiff upper lip?

    I know what others would say and do say,

    and, to an extent, I feel the same,

    but still...

    I want to give up the fight.

    My dreams seem so far now.

    Unreachable, unreasonable, unfathomable,

    is my success.

    As a student, I'm afraid I'm sunk.

    Financial stability is a soggy box under foot.

    I know it's my doing!

    I know it's my fault!

    So, what am I doing about all this mess?

    As of now, nothing.

    I feel that I can't.

    I need a miracle!

    ...but that...

    that also costs too much.


    PLEASE TO COMMENT AND RATE!....please? 4laugh