• Love is a magic dim of light
    waiting to escape
    It is given to everyone to use
    but is not always shown.
    Without beauty there is no light
    I have no beauty and considered
    an object of distaste and waste
    for I am what others dont want
    to see. I have the cure
    but if nobody wants to change
    I cannot help. The sight of me
    is as of sickening despair. An
    infectious disease are the best
    quality terms in which I have
    no say over. Without this light
    so unspokenly sung, is the
    ultimate universal sign for
    life and with no life comes
    the deep darkness of death.
    The darkness will washover any
    and every type of fire burning
    brightly, but if there shows a light
    burning so brightly that the
    darkness is scared of I have
    a chance. Two ways in which this
    light is so bright.
    1. By God which holds the highest of light beyond imagination.
    2. By the light of love which comes out of true bond.
    If I recieve both, I shall be saved.