• Hate, Fustration
    Tainted by the lies you've tried so hard to keep.
    But i can see
    You've become the very person you did want to be

    How can i be happy
    with this person i didn't ask to come
    Where did she go
    The one i used to know and love

    You used to be so nice
    now you try to make everything about you
    Did teenage hormones kick in
    or did you get so out of the loop

    Can you come back
    i want the one who i got along with years ago
    when will she surface
    when will the one i want show

    You throw a fit every time you dont get what you want
    and thats what scares me the most about you
    How will that get you far in life
    I do not know what you will do

    I love you, and you should know that
    but i do not like the one you have become
    Please bring her back
    Where is that one?