• She's an angel......
    She was the last thing I had left to believe in,
    She was the one who understood me,
    Who wiped my tears and listened to my problems.

    Even when she was having the worst day she helped me.
    She knew what I went through and could relate,
    To the abuse,
    The hate for yourself,
    The suicidal thoughts.

    Also to the sex,
    The pain,
    Mental and physical,
    And the lies.

    She stopped me,
    Without even knowing it,
    From kicking that chair,
    From taking my last breath,
    And ending this sorry excuse for a life.

    My angel,
    My life,
    Is sadly fading though.....
    She was once so luminous but now is edging into the darkness.

    I will not let her go without me though,
    For she is far too special to be alone.
    She has a part of me that no one has,
    And it will always belong to her.

    And if,
    Only if,
    I'm praying that this doesn't happen,
    She fades into the darkness,
    I will follow suit.

    Because without her,
    I will have a reason to kick that chair,
    And think nothing about it.