• Two years ago, I went for a run
    One year ago, I went for a walk
    Eleven months ago, I had to stop
    Pain tightened in my chest, blurring my vision
    Raspy coughs leaving my throat rough and dry
    Thirsty was I
    Cars passed, blowing horns, warning me away from the road
    Beep beep
    Honk honk
    Last sounds I heard
    An airplane flying through the sky
    Last object I saw
    Ten months ago, I was being spoken to like a child
    Tied to a bed
    Hearing the soothing hum of a machine
    Barely feeling movement on my left side
    Five months ago, people in white ran tests on me
    Babbling amongst each other about my results
    Ninety days ago
    "She does not seem to be improving"
    What were they talking about?
    I felt fine
    Minus the minimum movement on my left side
    They left
    Leaving me alone
    Listening to the soothing hum of a machine
    Thirty days ago, my mother visited me
    Crying, was she
    Dark eyes, heavily drawn downwards
    Severely depraved of sleep
    Was it because of me?
    "Hey sweetheart"
    My throat, it hurts
    Throbbing with pain, I grasp for my mother's hand
    Surprisingly, she pulled away
    Tears refilling her eyes
    "Sorry, I have to go"
    Leaving me alone
    Listening to the soothing hum of a machine
    Two weeks ago, I received the news
    I was dying
    But I felt fine
    Five days spent crying
    Seven days of my life left
    Mother never came back
    She sent a card, though
    "sorry," it read
    The apology, I accepted
    What else could I do?
    One day ago, I was still dying
    Still listening to the soothing hum of a machine
    Thirty minutes
    One minute
    Just one minute was left
    How does one end the last minute of his/her life?
    I decided I was not to waste it thinking
    A young man in white came in
    Taking my pulse
    He jotted down a few notes
    Took my pulse once more
    He reached to my left
    Pain tightened in my chest, blurring my vision
    I closed my eyes, for the last time
    Glad to not hear the soothing hum of a machine
    I wondered
    What will tomorrow hold?