• She stands in the field as the sky pours out its soul to the world. She looks up to the sky and screams at the the top of her lungs until she no longer can she falls to her knees while wrapping her arms around herself trying to hold herself together but she fails as the dam she had built behind her eyes shatters she caves in on herself as she lays there crying she prays for the pain to stop. She walks home as she runs out of tears she has been betrayed by those closest to her she has nothing left. At home as she waits for the pain to stop she empties the bottle of pills with the alcohol the lights fade to black. She wakes up the next day feeling like s hit and realizes that it didn't work she cries once again and tries to face the day with a smile plastered on her face but can't without something in her system. So she finishes the bottle of alcohol and faces the day f ucked up she lives day to day looking the betrayers in the face and can't handle the pain she can't go on living this way she decides all of it has to end......I stand over the sink with the blade poised over my skin I look into the mirror and decide that enough is enough I splash my face with cold water I put down the blade I put away the pills and booze and face the day.