• Choose wisely, Child,
    For though you pretend,
    We can see through your lies.

    You claim apathy,
    And distance from all,
    Why, then, do you love?

    How can you feel such...
    Wonder, and joy, and peace
    If your heart is as stone?

    Though you hide it,
    You are no different than the rest;
    You are a child, normal and wild.

    Claim that nothing's worth it;
    I dare you.
    You see? You are not stone.

    Fear of an emotion
    Is foolish; fear of life
    Is worse.

    But when you become trapped
    In the middle of the ways,
    (Apathy, or Death?)

    You know all you have to do
    Is open up to someone,
    Pour it all out.

    The chisel that will break your stone heart is your ability to Love.