• Life is like a rose,
    in many different ways.
    Grip it tight, don't let go,
    until the end of your days

    First starts the roots,
    it keeps your life in place.
    Grow at your own speed,
    life isn't a race.

    Second comes the stem,
    as you work your way through.
    All the way to the surface,
    you're given step by step clues.

    Third comes the thorns,
    giving your life a ridged way.
    Will you go around them,
    or will you just stay.

    Forth comes the leafs,
    reaching higher and higher.
    Like a job that saves lives,
    for example, a fire fighter.

    Fifth comes the bud,
    anxious to see the world.
    Trapped in a cage of suspense,
    you're bound and curled.

    Sixth is the last,
    but surely not the least.
    You've completed your life long goals,
    that you had dreamed to reach.

    Now that being said,
    you've blossomed and bloomed.
    You're a beautiful red rose,
    and recieved the life you had assumed.

    As you grow from the rain,
    and recieve energy from the sun.
    You are one of many,
    with the strength of many in one.