• Myth

    Thousands of years stacked upon themselves
    A woman found her husband
    Tangled with another
    In the webbing of their sheets
    In a vigorous despair she wandered
    Through the streets
    Through the city
    Through the wilderness
    To a lake
    Where she found herself thirsting for salvation
    She laid her face upon the water
    And drank and drank
    The emptiness of herself could not be extinguished
    The water slithered slowly down
    Until the soft underbelly of the earth met her lips
    Minutes began to dissipate into the universe
    The wilderness falling away until there was nothing
    But the cracked skin of the earth.
    She ran back
    Back through the disintegrating flora,
    Back through the city
    Back through the streets
    She found and dragged her husband
    To where the water used to slumber
    She said
    As you have desert me
    For the thousands of manifestations that you
    Have sought between the slick sheets.
    She pointed, toward the horizon
    Walk, dear husband
    And weep into your hand
    For this is the only water left
    Stay, she said, stay
    As unquenched as your loins
    And let it be known
    That all who possess your indecent ways
    Marked, as the beasts that they are
    They too, will harbor your name