• "You were always mine"
    He whispers in my ear
    Lie . But I force myself to believe.
    I musn't show fear.

    He's not exactly human.
    Though his appearence shows elsewise
    I am not fooled
    I see through his disguise.

    He tugs on my hand
    Pulls me to this dark place
    Where shadows lurck amoung us
    I fasten my pace

    A forgotten city maybe?
    A place fallen by war?
    The place is of ruins
    And empty to the core.

    "We will build an empire "
    "And you as my dark queen"
    "We'll rise above all others "
    His thoughts are so obscene.

    " I will never admit to you "
    I say with pride
    Before he can reply I screech.
    "I'll never go to the dark side "


    Though some may not agree
    Death was much better
    As he took away my life
    I felt myself smile.