• Who am I?

    I'm not emo.
    I don't wear black and pretend to be bad. ( I just like the way my avatar looks. Not to be bad.)

    Im different.
    I am thankful for it.

    I am a Sophomore.
    And yet I have more of an oversite than alot of Seniors I know.

    I am soft.
    And yet when the time comes I can fight.

    I am respectful.
    To everyone.

    I believe in god.
    And yet I dont go to church and I am a better christian than them.

    I am blinded by emotions.
    And yet I see so much that disappoints me.

    I am down to earth.
    In Gaia, next to no one knows me as Water Haze. However Gaia is not the world. I may not be popular here but if only you knew me on Steam or Ventrillo, or TS. Some know me as Mappy, some as Mapstone and some Cadet 2nd Lieutenant Mapstone of my Highschools JROTC.

    And most of all. I believe in True Love.
    Its not love when you go out with someone for a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or even a month.

    Love Is Forever.