• Dear Morgan'

    I hate you

    because I never liked

    looking into mirrors

    and your mind is such a perfect

    reflection of mine

    You're always in my thoughts

    and I want you out.

    You're nothing to me

    if you arent a goddess

    with golden wings

    who has saved me every step of the way

    I love you

    Now and Forever,


    Dear Anthony,

    You are always so cruel.

    Is it that you've forgotten

    what we had?

    What we dreamed of?

    I refuse to just believe that

    You're a b*****d.

    I don't believe that love fades

    But... I don't know what to believe anymore

    I can't stand you

    throwing our love away.

    Now and Forever,


    Dear Morgan,

    Your words don't hurt me.

    No, they kill me.

    Remember that time

    when we got really drunk

    and you told me to

    Rot in Hell

    and all I could say was

    "It wouldnt be too bad

    if you were there with me"

    How ironic that I only appear to love you

    when Im drinking, nowadays

    Since you got me to drink in the first place

    I wish I didnt hurt you so much

    I wish I didn't love you

    I wish I believed that

    You dont matter.

    But I love you

    Now and Forever,


    Dear Anthony,

    I had to rewrite this a dozen times

    Because I kept crying on the paper

    But I can't let you know that

    I have to make you think

    Things are over between us.

    Why can't you

    Just pretend you love me?

    I'd be happy to accept a lie

    Is it because you really are so great,

    Or because I just can't

    grow up?

    I love you so much.

    Why can't you love me too?

    I am yours.

    Now and Forever'


    Dear Morgan,

    I guess the time to fight this is over

    I can see that

    You don't love me.


    So, I suppose I'll tell you that

    I dont love you either

    But the reality is...

    I can't take this anymore

    Never contact me again.

    Maybe that will make this a bit easier

    I love you so much...

    Now and Forever,
