• Doctors test and poke untill your broke. Diagnose you with cancer . it eats you alive from the inside out untill you are just a shell. Pale and weak and tired and meek. now you know you have eight months left to live . what great new that is to give. Tell the kids , the husband , the parents and siblings. Tell friends and family. make arrangements for after you are gone. just say so long. feeling so alone. picking up the phone just to call. wanting to live till you die. needing to tell everyone how you feel before you expire. how the body is quick to tire. you want to sleep and never make another peep. everyone will weep as you are in the forever sleep. they all cry and remember you . now you see the true me . the part of me i never showed while was alive. the lifeless mass that i was inside i felt dead and alone. now i am. in the grave i am alone in the dark. goodnite all who loved me and that i loved. remmber me .