• That poor beating heart takes its last pump of blood slowly but surely it turns into a big pale pink blob, it sits lifelessly not moving, no nerves reacting and no sound or squish to its outer covering.
    Its soul left now its but a cold part that human begin to play with and kick around.
    its now covered in dirt because those who could care less about it thinks its a soccer ball or basket ball bouncing it up and down, one minute the heart is up in happiness the next minute its being crushed because it collides with the ground. it can not breathe because it has been put through so much.
    the heart is a fragile thing
    just as fragile as an angel wing
    and angels come with a heavenly song
    to raise the dead heart no regret and no morn
    it brings back nothing because it has gone away
    never to return in the same way
    can you figure out what type of heart it is???????