• Roses are red.
    Violets are blue.
    I friggin love Christmas.
    How about you?

    Candy canes and gingerbread are just delish.
    Though the eggnog smells a little like fish.

    Red and White are just the delight.
    and the hint of green makes me feel lean.

    Santas not real,
    That sucks
    But I know how you feel.

    Your Mom and Dad will will do just fine.
    Because their gift wrapping skills are just sublime.

    Now for the one away from home
    living on you own

    Though you can't boast
    About your microwave pork roast.

    I say let's give you toast
    Because you can be a wonderful host

    I don't give yourself a fright
    Bad Christmas sweater party night

    Because you just might get laid tonight


    Have an awesome Christmas!
