• You're as cool as a breeze
    as smooth as a snake
    All I had to offer
    you made sure to take
    Only before doing so
    You made no mistake
    In leaving proof and traces
    So later your facade wouldn't break

    I was just another token
    A charm in your chain
    Another possession
    to conquer and gain
    And maybe for a moment
    It might not have been something you had to feign
    You might actually have believed in it
    Been somewhat humane

    But when I put my trust in you
    You got the thing for what you had always aim
    A trusting fool
    Someone to mold, use and shame
    It's easy to fool people
    when you are without shame
    No conscience to tell right from wrong
    Everything is valid and fair game

    And when you'd had your fun at my expense
    All that was left for me was anger and disdain
    In your mind I was the wicked one
    An enemy of the imaginary kingdom you reign
    Oh I do know some state secrets
    That would crush your campaign
    I will keep them in the vault
    That reminds me you're the one that is insane

    Because people like you
    Will always use people like me
    It's a infinite circle
    That I can't quite believe
    But in order to heal
    I'll have to shake free
    And understand that it really was YOU
    And that it never was me