• his waves were so specific.
    his waves were like the beach,
    maybe his waves were the pacific

    and every time i broke i remember
    he'd try to fix it
    by placing together pieces
    after littering them with kisses

    so maybe that's his mission..
    because he used to swear he was an alien
    on some sort of expedition
    and it was my job to initiate the inquisition

    so, yea, we stayed up 'till midnight
    listening to some old jazz musician
    and i know i loved him
    by some super odd and gay intuition

    but my heart was weak, then,
    from a form of malnutrition;
    i could swear again and again to myself
    but what's love without real ambition?

    instead i sat there scratching at my insides-
    a thump growing in my chest with an awkward repetition-
    maybe it was just my superstition....
    but after all, i did gain your recognition

    your eyes were a muddy brown in the dark
    but i knew their true emission;
    i imagined the shiny hues of gold and green
    like an art exhibition

    we were staring at each other
    my brain switched in to automatic transmission
    "i love you" fell from my lips,
    i tangled myself in an unfavorable position...