Rolling slowly down the face of a stranger.....
They're just like everyone else....
Not individual, Not unique, just themselfs....
They stare into the mirror and see nothing special.
Their soul has been stolen....
The tears keep going down their soft face....
everyone knows everything about them.
They weren't complicated to figure out....
With that, they looked into their dark brown eyes searching for the figure in the mirror to have something....
Anything different....
what happened?
Why can't they.....
breathing heavily....
Why can't they be like the blossoms of spring?
Where's their own beauty?
sinking quickly into their depression....
their anger at themself is only speeding it up....
They smash the mirror
Even the last shine of the mirror was more beautiful than them....
Driving them insane...
"why" repeats over and over inside their head....
Where is was their beauty?
The tears flow....
They thought they deserved the wound on their hand and up their right arm....
but not for doing the deed, oh no...
They thought it was punishment, for not being good enough.
Now they lay in the middle of their room...
All alone....
Unable to see their own beauty, envying everything else's....
They can't see their true self....
Too focused on little things....
Never truly able to be satisfied....
Jello Challenged · Fri May 11, 2007 @ 03:55am · 0 Comments |