Now what?
And again...
I just...
I keep following the masks of the parade...
all so colorful and gaudy....
each different, yet the same...
every time you take a mask off, a faceless figure....
Looking straight into them....
You begin to lose sight of yourself.
Losing your humanity little by little...
Trying to put it back puts the mask on your own face....
Slowly eating away at your soul, you can feel yourself becoming empty...
It's painless.
Now you wear the gaudy mask...
Hoping some fool will come see who's underneath...
You walk around with the rest of the masks...
Lost and confused...
You start to lose any thoughts that arent like the rest...
Everything becomes easier....
What will you do now that your lover stares into your mask?
Do you want them to see who you've become....
Too late to decide...
They've slipped it off your face before you could stop them...
But now that mask is off....
You realize, they had a mask all along...
Reaching for the mask...
Your lover stares at you dissapointed...
They thought you were something like the rest of them...
But you dissapointed them again...
Jello Challenged · Sat Apr 28, 2007 @ 08:13am · 0 Comments |