I'm at a friend's house right now and i'm trying to stay awake by being on Gaia. You see the thing is that I've been over here since earlier today...about ten and now it's going on like almost six in the morning, so i figured that if i just stayed up, i wouldn't have anything to worry about if i just decided to stay up and just be here doing nothing but earning more gold as i wait for my ride home and then when i do finally do get home, then i have to stay up even longer to take care of my gram's cuz my gramps is going to work tomorrow and i'm gonna be he only one that's there. Well, excuse the hel outta me for just rambling on, but i'm really kinda bored. So, let me tell you how my night has been...pretty much bloody and bitchy! blaugh LOL! Yeh, i was here so that i could witness my friend get her tattoo...which was pretty bloody...but not as bad as her boyfriend's from yesterday...damn, now there's a sight to see...all that blood and that ink and all that pain! OUCH! I really don't care. i still want to get a tattoo and i really want to get one soon...well, i really don't know how soon, depending on my current financial situation and the fact that i don't have a job and all...well, i guess i'll quite rambling on, because i'm prob just being a bum right now due to the lack of a sufficient amount of sleep that has caused my brain to be put on insomniac mode and all...whatever... stare
...this all that i really need right now...
Katsura1031 · Sat Apr 16, 2005 @ 12:15pm · 0 Comments |