Turmoil and choas reek havoc on the world and all seems lost. What do you find yourself doing? Reaching down deep within yourself and holding onto the one thing that is both your sweet demise and your tortureous past - L O V E - the one thing that haunts your thoughts daily and leaves you weak and confused, but yet you still yearn for the experience. You still long for the unknown and forbidden. Nothing is as simple as it may seem and for what it i sthat you seek is not the answer to your riddle. Heartache, tears, blood and pain is what you will recieve. Unpleasant as it may sound-you want it. You crave the pain and for what? For nothing more than self gain and to cease and awaken reging hormones. One must admit that it is pleasurable, but with pleasure comes pain. There is no one and not the other. There is only one and the other.
Katsura1031 · Mon Apr 18, 2005 @ 07:58am · 0 Comments |