Hello "GA G8R"
We have detected multiple failed login attempts have been made on your account, in a total of 5 times,
therefore your account on Gaia Online has been blocked for 15 minutes.
This is done to ensure maximum security for your account.
You will be able to login again at Sat Apr 19, 2008 2:12 pm .
If you are receiving this e-mail without trying to login at Gaia Online, you should contact the site administrator at inquiry@gaiaonline.com, and report this issue.
At Gaia Online, we try our best to protect your account, but the best protection
can only start with a strong password. Please consider the following when
choosing your password:
- Never use a "simple password" like your birthday, your dog's name, etc.
- Use both number and letters in any combination
- The longer the password, the better
- Change your password often
- Avoid using your password at Gaia Online on any other webpage
If you have any questions, feel free to ask, we're always here to help.
Be safe and have fun!
- Gaia Online - http://www.gaiaonline.com