My View: New Generation -- Xbox One |

As we are already into the 2nd month of 2014, I thought this would be as good of a time as any to talk about the consoles that have just recently released or have been out since 2013 (more on that in a bit).
First up is the Xbox One. With Microsoft's foray into the next generation, they seem to be focused on more than gaming. They want the Xbox One to be an all in one "hook up your other boxes to this box and watch our box work with that box to do both things at the same time on your tv." Not to say that isn't impressive, but if I buy a $500 console, the last thing I would think about doing is hooking up my cable box through it. I've also heard that you can hook up a PS4 through your Xbox One as well. Why, on God's green Earth, would anyone wanna do that? gonk
Next up on the list, the required camera. In the purchase of the One, why was the Kinect included? Had Microsoft left out the camera, they could've matched Sony's price on the market and be leading. But no. From the most recent reports I've read, PS4 is ahead of Xbox One in the US market, where Xbox 360 had a lead for a very significant amount of time. And I don't really have enough space in my room for the motion controlliness anyway. I've heard of the voice commands as well, but I'm not really into that.
Next up, the first party titles. I've owned a PS1, PS2, PSP, PS3, and a PS Vita. Sony has quite a few studios that make games for them. Microsoft doesn't seem to have nearly as many studios, but to me, I keep seeing timed DLC for the Xbox platform (as with Call of Duty) and it seems to me that Microsoft could save money if it purchased studios to make games for its consoles instead of paying more for timed DLC. That just seems like the better thing to do.
All in all, the Xbox One, while impressive, doesn't really interest me. Not enough good first party games as of yet or on the horizon that interest me. Titanfall looks to be a good game, but it's releasing on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC. Not really an "Xbox One exclusive" if you ask me. Also, I've heard that there will be no singleplayer campaign with that game. Huh.
Keep in mind I do not currently own a next gen console and everything stated here is my opinion based on articles and videos watched since the consoles' initial announcement and released and thereafter.
Georgia Gator · Mon Feb 17, 2014 @ 02:30am · 0 Comments |