Next up on the list of movies to review: Avatar by James Cameron. After much deliberation and indecisiveness, I finally watched the movie that everyone was hailing as a "modern day wonder". I only call it that because I heard a news story not too long after the movie came out where people were killing themselves or wanting to because their life wasn't as good as that movie. A shame to hear something like that, but let's move on.
As far as plot goes, this movie doesn't put up a lot of backstory. The main character (forgot his name cause it's been over a month since I saw the movie) wants to go to Pandora and be in the army or something like that. His brother was a pilot for an Avatar, kinda like a remote controlled dummy that is made to look like the native people of the planet, the Nav'i. You probably seen them in the previews; the blue skinned alien looking things. Anyway, the guy gets to control an Avatar to help his scientist doctor person (forgot her name too >.<; ) to drive the Nav'i away from their home because there is a mineral down there that we need, yadda yadda yadda. So the movie spends a little time setting up the scene. Then the main character spends a good amount of time working with one particular Nav'i, learning their language, and learning their ways to gain their trust to get them to move. He's only allowed so much time before the brute military commander of the army on Pandora takes the reigns and, you guessed it, attacks the home base of the Nav'i. I won't spoil the ending cause if you haven't seen the movie, I've spoiled a good bit for you right there.
Alright, on to the the most obvious thing this movie has going for it: Special effects. And James Cameron has a good eye for putting this stuff together. I wouldn't put it above Iron Man 2, simply for the fact that this movie, apart from the military people in the movie, it's ALL CGI. Honestly, it was well done, but I couldn't see what the big fuss was about. Maybe it's because I only watched it in HD and not in 3D. >.>
Well as far as sci-fi flicks goes, this movie's alright. Plot's decent, CGI is all over the freaking place because 85% of the movie IS CGI.
My View: Unless you have a hankering for blue aliens and CGI, wait for it to start playing on TV. SKIP RENTING IT
Georgia Gator · Tue Jul 06, 2010 @ 04:05pm · 1 Comments |