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KeKe's journal. My journal contains yaoi, and lots of yaoi and some yaoi, too. Stay out. :3

May La Nee
Community Member
Kawamura Keigo
"Yes," he replied, seriously, and added a smile hat was ought to pass for 'sincere'.
He felt as if his intestines were slowly tying together, and preventing him from feeling anywhere near comfortable, let alone natural. He didn't feel real.
More like a feverish dream. All he wanted to do was fall into deep dreamy darkness and let it all go, but he couldn't. Not yet: Ginny was still here.

"I'll see you tomorrow," His enthusiasm was compatible with the enthusiasm people have when they see an ignorant friend right after burying one of their parents; Fake.

Ginny looked at him questionibly, she knew that wasn't it. She could see it in his eyes that something about talking with her was bugging him. She could admit that she felt like this was at the very least not normal. But she wanted to give it a try, she did like Draco. She knew deep down that there was a strong likeness there, and a part of her knew that it was more than just friends, but she wouldn't let herself admit that yet.
She looked into his eyes once more to see if anything changed, to see if maybe he really did want to stay there and talk with her about anything at all.
"Oh...Well, maybe we should call it a night. I'll still see you tomorrow right?" Ginny asked as she started to chew her bottom lip hard with worry.

Kawamura Keigo
"Nothing," he said with a fake smile, suddenly feeling awkwardly nervous. It was as if people were watching him, standing really close to him, so close he could sense their presence without hearing or seeing them. And they had something to see... A First born Son of Pure Blood, standing and laughing with a Blood Traitor of Many...

She was the filth he was ought to avoid or rid of, no chitchat with! He knew he didn't really want to feel this way, but this wave of discomfort and even a slight hint of disgust simply washed over him and took his good mood away, leaving a trace of guilt.
He liked Ginny... He didn't feel it now, but he knew he liked her. He wanted to hurt her, both mentally and physically, tear her apart and leave her for the insects and elements to feast on, but at the same time he wanted to continue their conversation about nothing as if they were friends.

It was really confusing to feel this way so suddenly, so randomly almost.
"Guess the frog was bad, I dunno." Desperate attempt. Probably failing, too. The mood would not be restored that evening, not sincerely, anyway. He could feel it. He knew Divination well enough to predict that much.

Ginny was enjoying her time with Draco, she noticed what he said about her looking at him, but decided that it wasn't inportant. Then it all ended too soon, Draco stopped laughing and seemed to withdraw into himself.
"Draco what's wrong? Everything was going so wel, Please Draco don't shut me out." Ginny said with slight concern for Draco.

Kawamura Keigo
"Don't look at me; I'm sure I'll burn your eyes," he said, still with a laugh in is voice. The idea of him and Trelawney having tea like friends was rather funny, he could imagine it was to Ginny at least because she hadn't been there to watch the conversation grow.

He had to admit to himself; he wasn't too glad with Ginny being a blood traitor. As long as she didn't mention it, it was all good. But now she brought it up, he kind of felt the need to create a safe distance between them. The laughter drained from his face and made place for his semi-serious usual side.
"Sorry, I was just laughing at the thought of you and Trelawney having tea like friends." Ginny said with a giggle.
"And that whale hing doesn't make any sense to me." She said with another giggle.
Thats hen she noticed that Draco was looking at the ground and actually laughing!
"Why Draco I don't believe I have ever seen you laugh! This is like a record! The Slythrin Prince Draco Malfoy laughing with the Blood-Traitor Ginny Weasley. People would never believe it unless they saw it, not like I would tell." Ginny said as she too started laughing again.

Kawamura Keigo
"No... Well... She's kind of like... -Don't laugh, okay? It's rude;" he used a joking tone when telling her not to laugh, but did mean it. A little bit.
"She's more Luna-ish.. But... Worse and yet less at the same time.. Because you know; Luna always has this incomprehensible air around her? Trelawney doesn't.. She seems like she's putting on a show half the time. I found out she is, even though she's as crazy as she seems." All right, that wasn't making a lot of sense... ; "Erm.. for example; She was dead serious when she told me all planets were made of the dead skin cells of a gigantic whale-like creature that got lump together, started burning, turned to ashes, were covered in it's faeces, and then life started sprouting..." He tried hard to keep his face serious... And he could only hope he managed; "...and when I asked her where the whale came from, and what he could have possibly eaten to have faeces in the first place, she just told me not to be so nosey." He managed not to laugh for another second, and then quickly looked down to try to hide he -was- laughing a bit.
"Really...? Like what? Is she like Umbridge and hates half-breeds, or is she more like Luna and Dumbledore? Comepletely out there but it also makes sense at the same time....If you know what I mean...." Ginny said with a smile at the thought of Draco and Trelaweny sitting there drinking tea, trying to read each others leaves and then discussing everything under the sun besides the future. Like friends or a mother and son sunday lunch thing. The thought of Draco and Trelaweny wouldn't leave her mind and the more she pictured it the funnier it got. She actually began to laugh outloud a little.

Kawamura Keigo
"Heh, Trelawney... " he grinned a bit, and shook his head, "She's a sweetheart, really, but she tries too hard. I mean... She is related to someone who does have 'the sight'," he intended the mocking tone there, "but her? Nah, she doesn't see a thing. " He was grinning now; Trelawney really didn't see a thing. Literally. " Hell, she doesn't even see the bloody table in front of her; I say she sees Past, nor Present, nor Future." He loved the woman to bits though, even though she never gave him the grades he needed. He liked her for some reason; probably because she was so out there. "I actually got tutoring from her when my grades went down; she insisted she'd help me. But we ended up talking about pretty much the meaning of life and all that." He had to suppress some laughter now; her view had been ridiculous to him; "And you could say she's got a rather interesting view on things. "

"Yah that makes sense, Have you ever actually seen anything...like anything real?" Ginny asked, then she thought that it might be too personal of a question.
"Nevermind, you don't have to anser that, I know it's kinda personal." Ginny said as she chewed her bottom lip with worry.
"What do you think about the the Professor though." Ginny asked after a moment, she decided that the question wasn't too person but it would also allow her to get to know him a bit better.

Kawamura Keigo
"I enjoy gazing into dusty all-absorbing mist and mumble the first thing that comes up in me... Since there are three people's entities present inside of me, making me feel things that allow me to see things that can make for very intereresting stories... Am I making any sense?"
Ginny noticed the apologetic grin and thought it was very out of place. She didn't care that he like Divination, well she did, but not in the way he probably thought she would.
"Thats interesting, and unexpected....you never said why though."

Kawamura Keigo
"Nah, it's not my favourite... I like the idea of being able to use potions rathr than spells to attack someone, especially since the risk of getting caught is a lot smaller, but the class itself doesn't really interest me..."
He paused for a moment; Ginny was definitely going to think he was weird. "Myyyyyy favourite class is Divination....." He gave an apologizing grin to go with it. There you had it. s**t on a platter. Divination was the one class he could use to simply stare ahead and think of random stuff. He had three people to do the actual fortune telling for him.
Ginny was slightly shocked by the silence. But she was even more shocked by the sudden change in topic. She decided not to think about it too much and answer his question.
"Uh..Probably Transfigureation. I like the idea of changing one thing to another. What about you? Potions right?" Ginny asked

Kawamura Keigo
Somehow, that felt like a severe accusation. Draco knew it probably wasn't meant that way, but it stung that way any way.
He wasn't sure what to say to it though, so he decided it was best to just try to get to know her better. To do so, he consciously allowed a few moments of silence to pass, so the new topic was appropriate; "What's your favourite class and why?"
"I'm not taking offense to it, I know that you didn't say it, well not really." Ginny said. She just realized that her eyes were beinginng to tear up she quickly blinked them back.
"And besides even if it was you saying it, it wouldn't bother me that much. It's not like it's the first time you've said it." Ginny added with a very Malfoy-like smirk.

Kawamura Keigo
Weird question.. Draco understood very well what Till had said, it was just weird to translate because it wasn't very nice of him, "It means erm...That... Literally? He said he didn't like you at all, and that he wants to kill you because you're a terrible girl...But that's just him, you know that."
"Well, you just said, sorry, Till just said; 'Ich mag dich gar nicht, und ich will dich toten weil du einen schreckliches Mädchen bist...' What does it mean Draco? What did he say to me?" Ginny said with a peading look at Draco. She didn't notice that her eyes had started to become glassy with tears.

Kawamura Keigo
Draco gave her a confuzed look. 'That' what happens? What was she referring to?
It didn't take him long to figure out Till had given a demonstration though. "Yes.... And well yes; he's German it seems.. So... I suppose. I don't know I didn't actually hear it."
"So is that what happens when I ask what you said about something and you say that you didn't mean it?" Ginny asked.
"Wait....Did you just speak German?" She added after what he first said kicked in fully.

Kawamura Keigo
"Ich mag dich gar nicht, und ich will dich toten weil du einen schreckliches Mädchen bist..." Draco didn't realize he was threatening her in German... To him, it was as if he was saying:
I don't know... I mean... I think he does, but... I don't actually notice it if he does... I say something, and then people stare at me in a way that suggests that he does... "Er... I mean yes."

"So...If Till can control what you write can he....uh....also control what you say?" Ginny asked feeling stupid for doing so.
"Nevermind, you don't have to answer that." Ginny said as she blushed slightly and lowered her head so she was staring at the ground to insure that Draco couldn't see the blush that Ginny could feel creeping up her neck.

Kawamura Keigo
"Well, since I ruined the initial essay I had to write a letter to her to apologize and the initial essay, only then a foot longer than it would have had to be if I had gotten it right the first time. It was about the stages of Transfiguration and the dangers of doing it wrong or something, I'm not quite sure." He hated how difficult it was to focus with Till telling him to kill Ginny... Just talking to someone shouldn't be so difficult.
Ginny laughed a little at his response.
"Oh Draco I didn't know you cared if I got kicked out or locked up." She said unable to hold a straight face.
"So what do you have to write about? For the assignment I mean." She asked.

Kawamura Keigo
Draco blinked his eyes in a surprised way, but he didn't take long to realize it must have been Till speaking. He was thankful for Ginny taking it the way she did.
"If you manage to make it look like an accident, they may not punish you for it. Just seem really upset," he replied, consciously, no fully sure if this was him or Till talking.
Ginny was so shocked with Draco's answer that she just stood there and stared for a moment. She couldn't believe that he would say something like that. Then again he has said things to her recently that he said he didn't mean to say or didn't realize he had said it.
She had two options;
She could either confront him about it and try to get him to tell her why he keeps saying things without realizing it. or she could joke around that it was a good idea....not that she hasn't thought about it a little bit before.
"What did you just say about killing Potter? Not that it's not an inviting idea, but I don't want to get kicked outta school and sent to Azkaban for killing 'The Boy Who Lived' because he wouldn't back off." Ginny said deciding to combine the two ideas.

Kawamura Keigo
"Maybe you should kill him. you know, pretend to be playing... With your wand... Showing him a stupid imitation of a Muggle pretending to be a wizard.. And then poke him in the eye so deep you'll ruin his brains."
'Draco' said this as if it was as much of a joke as his previous idea, only this time he didn't even realize he said it.
"haha...I don't think that would work either, he'd just come after you saying that my infection was because of you. Nice thought though, I'd love to be able to get Potter off my back." Ginny said with a smile.

Kawamura Keigo
"Good Gods... Maybe we should tell him we're both suffering from the same fungal infection...." The mental image of Harry Potter backing off because of som imagined fungal infection was fun, until Till changed it into a scene that could easily be R-rated because of the excessive violence.
He ate the legs of the frog one by on, before finally eating the 'torso'. It's peanut heart had stopped beating.
"Okay I won't stupify you, but I may have to use the Bat-Boogey-Curse on you." Ginny said with a smirk.
"and I doubt that me saying that you had to help me with Homework would really work. Potter is being a prat and would love any excuse to try to...uh...comfort...me so to say." Ginny said as she rolled her eyes.

Kawamura Keigo
"Maybe in a case of emergency you could tell them I got detention that involved helping you with your homework... But only when they ask, you know... I don't know, I'm just thinking aloud."
He tore the head off a chocolate frog before eating it, the body still wriggling in his hand wih caramel blood coming from it. Till's way of eating, most definitely.
"I believe you will. - Hex me, I mean, Just... don't Stupify me, whatever you do, because it makes him furious," Draco replied completely serious, even though the topic had officially passed moment ago.
"I don't think I will have to restrain you." Ginny said with a smirk.
"But....If you get out of line I MAY have to hex you, and don't think I wont." She continued with an even more Malfoy-like smirk.
"No thank you." She said when he offered her more candy.
"I just hope no one see's us walking towards the Room of Requirement together..." She added after a short pause.
"That would just bring up too many questions from Ron and Harry, mainly Harry....stupid Git....that I just don't want to answer."

Kawamura Keigo
"Sounds like a plan... We might actually find handcuffs and stuff to keep me in my chair if needed," he replied with a grin, not realizing that could have been taken as a very odd sexual remark. Very odd, since he was probably the only one associating handcuffs with sex so randomly.

To get his mind off the topic he decided to take some of the candy and offered her some again.

"Typical Malfoy, doesn't want to be seen with a Weasley." Ginny said with a playful smile so he'd know she was joking around, or at least she hoped he was.
"Uh, what about the Room of Requirement, tomorrow after diner?" She asked.

Kawamura Keigo
Friends may do it all the time, Draco never did it. He had trouble enough focussing with three random voices in his head; having a 'friend' with him would only distract him more.
He hadn't paid a lot of attention to the context of her words at all.

"I don't know, preferably at some time when nobody else is around... I don't know; I think it'd be awkward if people saw us together... "
"I wouldn't be babysitting you...I'd be, sitting with as you did your homework. Friends do that all the time." Ginny said with a smirk.
"Wait....did I just say that we were friends?" She asked herself, she prayed that he wouldn't notice.
"When would you like to do it?" She asked trying to distract him from her verbal slip-up.

Kawamura Keigo
"Yeah..." Draco replied, hesitantly but amused. He kind of regretted telling her now. Whether she would pass it on or not, he knew Vince would be angry if he found out Draco told anyone. So instead of continuing on the topic, he decided to reply to her offer of helping him.
"I would appreciate that... Can't really ask other people to babysit me, can I..?"
"That really sucks about the essay, if your not done with the assigment I could kinda help. I like sit with you and make sure you don't throw it in the fire." Ginny said with a small smile.
"So..Are you saying that Crabbe is gay?" Ginny said after a moment. She tried to repress her giggle, but she wasn't sure if she was successful with that.

Kawamura Keigo
"I... Had this essay for Transfiguration... Apparently he let me write things I didn't realize I was writing... Made it a disaster.. Don't know exactly what it said but she distracted points from Slytherin for it... And the assignment I got to make up for it.. He ruined it too; he would allow me to write it until I was nearly done, and then I would blink and he would have thrown it in the fireplace..."
The mere thought of it nearly, -nearly- brought tears to his eyes. McGonagall had written a letter to his parents about the essay... He didn't know what it said and honestly; he hoped the owl died on the way to his house.
Because he himself would probably die when his Father told him ex-act-ly what he thought about Draco's 'idea of humour'.
There was more to tell though. Draco didn't hesitate to tell her. It probably was rather funny to her, anyway. She didn't know Vincent Crabbe the way he did. "Annnnd... Apparently... He gave Vincent the idea it's okay to hump my leg at night... " He said the last bit with an emotionless (=his usual) grin. Poor Vincent... He had seemed so sincerely disappointed.
"What has he done that you can't control?" Ginny asked. She thought that for the past week Draco had seemed pretty normal, except that he always looked like he wanted to insult her in the halls, but even that wasn't really out of the ordinairy.

Kawamura Keigo
No, Draco did not know what Ron was like... Not for certain, anyway. But if he was as whiny and pathetic as he seemed, he could imagine Ginny would rather not tell him. The twins seemed pains though... He couldn't imagine those clowns taking anything seriously, but then again; he didn't really know them.

"I er... Till has been a pain," he summarized, thinking of McGonagall's furious face and Vincent's confused facial expression. "I can't control him any more.. I think I can, he makes it seem like I can, but in fact, I can not... If you know what I mean..." His tone kind of indicated he didn't even know if he himself knew what he meant.

"I dunno. maybe one of the twins, or Charlie, we've always been really close. I just don't even know if I want to tell anyone on the family. But if I tell anyone here Ron will find out and flip. You know what he's like." Ginny said with a sigh. She really did wish her brother wasn't so overprotective.
"Anyway, How did your week go?" Ginny asked as they started to walk.

Kawamura Keigo
"Who would be?" Oh, weird question. Why couldn't he ever ask normal things? He had no idea how to treat a girl without treating her like a goddess or like a b***h.. He was trying hard to find the golden middle way.
"I mean; who would be the first in your family you tell anything to? I have no idea what it could be like to have choice like that. "

"Thanks." Ginny said as she reached in and pulled out a gummy wand. Ginny knew that he was right....again...
"I know, and I will end up telling someone at some point. Don't know if my mum will be the first person I tell though." Ginny said.
"Do you wanna go for a walk around the lake?"

Kawamura Keigo
"Nobody real, really," Draco replied, not quite content with Ginny's decision not to tell anyone. Whether Draco had helped or not, she was going to have to go home and be in the same room with her father at some point, right? It would be terrible for her if she wouldn't have mentioned it to anyone else by then, since Draco really couldn't do much once that moment had arrived.

"You should tell somebody though, like your mother or so... Things could get nasty... And he could think you didn't mind or something... I've heard messed up things from people... " He was kind of afraid to push this too much, since he was very aware of this being her issue in her life he was talking about; not his.
"Candy?" He offered, as he held the bag up opened and well so she could look in it. He knew it was a weird, random and very sudden change of topic, bu he kind of assumed she didn't mind.
Till kept telling him to choke her in some though.

Ginny giggled at his words, then she stopped quickly when she heard his question. She didn't want to lie to him and say that she had, but she didn't think he should know that talking to him had helped her so much that she hadn't thought about it. She decided that lying to him wasn't going to work, he looked like he'd be able to see through it.
"Uh, no I haven't. Only because since I talked to you about it I realized that it helped a lot because I haven't really even thought about it. And I have had less dreams about it too." Ginny said, she decided to leave out the part where when she did dream about it Draco would show up and help her.
"Have you told anyone?" She asked.

Kawamura Keigo
"Gain weight while I talk with you," he said, wondering if she thought he was an idiot, a kiss-up or just a show-off. To break off the awkward silence that didn't have a chance to spread yet, he started; "Have you told anybody about what happened to you yet?"
Ginny was surprised by his greeting, the last time she had met him here he seemed annoyed by he presence, this time however he seemed almost.....happy to see her. The next thing he did surprised her even more, she had never thought the Draco and her would be standing here meeting up like they were friends, and that Draco would bring something for both of them. She was so shocked by his un-Malfoy like actions that she could only stare for a moment. After her shock wore off she was still slightly out of breath so she had to take a moment before speaking.
"You didn't have to do that." She told him indicating to the bag in his hand.
"Well, what do you want to do tonight?"

Kawamura Keigo
"Hey," Draco said, glad to see her. He didn't mind they hadn't arranged a time or place; he was just glad they found each other again. He suddenly felt nervous though. What if he was being stupid for... Seeing this as a normal way to meet up with her..? As in.. The way he would meet up with friends...? He decided to bring up what was bothering him as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and if she considered it silly, he would try to pretend she was the crazy one. "I brought us something," he said, as he held up the bag he was holding, "Just... Candy... Random stuff..."

He had in fact spent a good hour and a good fifty Knuts in Honeydukes to get this stuff. It was difficult to buy stuff for someone you had barely met, you liked, you were NOT in love with and that you wanted to surprise... he hoped she liked it though. And that she didn't consider it as a desperate attempt to win her heart.
Suzanna and Benjamin had helped him. Suzanna had really informed him well over what girls generally liked, and since Draco didn't want Ginny to think he was in love with her, Benjamin had told him what things to avoid. He was really good in avoiding things.

Wednesday night Ginny waited in the entrance hall for Draco. She had been waiting
for about a minute and was starting to worry that Draco had changed his mind. She started to think back to that week after they talked the first time. She had seen Draco in the halls and she always wanted to pull him aside and talk, but he always sneered at her and a few times he had started to insult her, but stopped himself. She was so confused by it. On top of that Harry wouldn't stop buging her about how wrong he was and how he wanted a shot with it. It got really annoying.
After about three minutes of waiting and thinking that Draco wasn't going to show Ginny remembered that they hadn't discussed a time or place to meet!
She started running out of the castle and back to the lake where they had met last time. This was all to similar to her trying to get to Draco the first time, she was out of breath by the time she met up with him, but this time she was still able to call out his name.
"DRACO!" Ginny called when she was just a foot away.
"Sorry." She said out of breath when she was only a few inches from him.
She had stopped running and was trying to catch her breath as graceful as was possible.

Kawamura Keigo
That Wednesday, Draco couldn't help but stress out. They hadn't discussed a time or place or anything!
He had assumed they would meet at the same place at the same time, but now he wasn't so sure about that. He had been standing here for over 10 seconds, after all!

What if she wasn't going to show up? What if something happened to her!? Something terrible!?
He had felt odd every time he had seen in her in the hallways... Till had started splurging insults and threats every time, too.
And Good Gods.. He had messed up in class! Apparently his Transfigurations Essay was a disaster. Till had taken over ( he HAD to have taken over!? How else could it have happened!? ) and written a list of personal insults about McGonagall that was handed back to him with a grade he was afraid to look at. The assignment that came to make up for it hadn't been a pleasure either, especially not with Till screwing it up and forcing Draco to do it all again, just when he was approaching the 2ft mark.
On top of that he had -apparently- gotten Vincent to want to... hump his leg at night... Because Vincent seemed genuinely surprised when Draco 'woke up' and kicked him out of his bed. Life was a b***h. Now where was Ginny!?

Ginny stood there in complete and utter shock! Did Draco Malfoy just kiss her forehead? and say that he enjoyed their time together? And does she really still have a tingly feeling where his lips had come in comtact with her skin?
Ginny pulled herself out of shock and quickly went to Gryffindor tower before she got caught. This was too much to think of this late at night.

Kawamura Keigo
"There's enough me's to think of, not much space for anyone else,..." Draco mumbled, and when their eyes met for the last time, when she said goodbye, he felt his own self sink away in deep dark drowsiness.

"It was great talking to you," he added with a smile, a sincere, open smile, as he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. He then turned around, and left for the Slytherin Common Room.
"Oh thank you!" Ginny said sarcasticly....."Good to know that I have someone who would maybe even cover for me every now and then..." She said as she rolled her eyes.
They reached the doors to go into the castle and Ginny knew that this was it. She wasn't sure if she'd even see him again, but she still had to leave right now.
She took a deep breath before speaking;
"So I guess this is it for now....Goodnight Draco." Ginny said as she turned and looked into his eyes trying to read him once more; even though she knew it wouldn't work.

Kawamura Keigo
"I may... It depends who we run into... If it's someone who dislikes Snape,I'll tell them to ask Snape... Otherwise I'll kind of have to I think... " He really couldn't think of anything else, but he wasn't really trying. Previously mentioned exhaustion and the simple desire to win the bloody house cup were preventing him.

He wasn't all too worried about what his parents would say about this whole.. happening. If they would ever find out, he could always say it like it was: they were just talking to each other and making each other feel better because nobody else would. He couldn't really care if they liked it or not.
Ginny laughed and playfully slapped his arm.
"You wouldn't." She challened with the same Malfoy smirk.
Ginny continued to walk behind Draco as they made their way back to the castle. She had a feeling that tomorrow everything was going to go back to normal. Draco would hate and make fun of her tomorrow.
That wasn't the thought that worried her though. The thought that troubled her was that she would be sad if everything went back to normal.
This wasn't the way it was supposed to be. The Malfoy's were supposed to HATE the Weasley's; and vice versa.
What would Draco's and her parents say if they found out that two of their children were talking like best friends? And about such personal details too.

Kawamura Keigo
"Maybe I should? You have been rather disobedient....Brutally forcing yourself in my personal life.... I wonder how many points that's worth." Even though Draco didn't use a joking tone, he kind of assumed Ginny would notice he was only kidding.
He hoped she didn't notice how tired he was. He didn't know if it was audible in his voice. Everything seemed unusually loud, so he had no idea what was normal any more.
Ginny started walking behind him. The thought of saying 'Goodnight' To Draco just seemed wrong, but she couldn't just walk away without a word.
"This year is going to be interesting." She said out loud without realizing it.
"You can't say you took points, unless you actually did. They keep a record, so they will notice." Ginny said with a smirk to rival Draco's.
Kawamura Keigo
"Heh, or we tell them I took points from Gryffindor because you were out and I'm sending you back in... "
He wasn't tired in a way that would make him yawn, it was just a complete lack of energy that seemed to overpower him.
Till kept being noisy though... It was almost as if he was 'personally' absorbing energy. He felt he weak initial dizziness of vertigo return, and he knew he would have to sit down soon. He didn't want to stay here though. This big open field didn't seem safe for some reason. He started to head back to the school.

(( D: I cant think of stuff for him to do))
Ginny was glad that he had agreed to meet again. She also noticed that this conversation was coming to a close. She was almost frightened at how much that affected her mood. She didn't want to stop talking to him, it didn't even matter what they talked about.
"Uh...Yah Wednesday should be fine for me. I will send you a note if something comes up okay?" She said as she looked into his grey eyes. She had noticed all night that Draco seemed to be avoiding looking directly into her eyes.
"I suppose we should head back in, it is WAY after curfew. And with my luck I will get caught and be given a detention." Ginny said as she made a move to stand.
As much as she didn't want to leave him she knew that she had to.

Kawamura Keigo
Draco felt embarrassed. It was odd to have a lady.. or well yeah; a girl worry about him being uncomfortable or not. It seemed inappropriate somehow.
"It's all right... I suppose we could meet up once; see how it goes..."

He felt really tired suddenly. And Till's voice seemed to be closer than before. Subconsciously he knew he had been trying to suppress Till more or less to prevent him from ruining this conversation, and now the conversation was drawing to an end, his auto-defences were weakening; he was exhausted.

"So... Should we meet up onnnn....Wednesday? It's a good day for me, I don't know about you..."
Ginny could tell that he wasn't as excitited about it as he tried to make it seem.
"He probably just needs to get used to the idea, this has been a big change in a short period of time." She told herself.
"It doesn't matter. Whenever.." She said with a shrug. She was beginning to think that perhaps this wasn't such a good idea, maybe they should just leave it at this and have that be it. But Ginny knew that she couldn't do that. She knew that she would watch his actions in the halls to see if she could figure out if anything was bugging him and if he wanted to talk.
"We don't have to if you don't want to. It's up to you, I don't want to force you into doing something that would make you uncomfortable.
Kawamura Keigo
((Ok... Gaia ate the quotes. So I put what we had so far in my journal. And if we quote upwards, it will eat the oldest bit and not the newest so to say))

That was odd... Meeting up to talk twice a week.. It was kind of like seeing a psychiatrist, wasn't it? It seemed all right though. Both of them needed help, and neither of them were really willing to seek it in the obvious and official places.

But then again... Part of Draco didn't want to meet up again. As if it was inappropriate. As if he wasn't supposed to like it. It almost felt as if he didn't want to talk to Ginny again... But he knew himself well enough to know that he would look up to meeting before they met, and that he would enjoy it once they had started talking. It had been the same way today, hadn't it?

"I suppose we could do that..." he replied, after a moment of silence. "Secretly."
Oh, that came out hasty and... almost as if he didn't want to meet up with her at all. To make sure she didn't misunderstand it like that, he added "When? I mean... We should plan this... "

Ginny couldn't believe it, he was smiling! Draco Malfoy was smiling!! Not smirking, but actually smiling a real smile! She felt...proud, happy....she felt a mixture of emotions that she just couldn't express right now. She couldn't believe that she had made Draco smile. It was mind blowing.
Then she heard his words;
"You're on top of my 'I-Like-You-list,"
She couldn't help but giggle at that. She really was happy that her and Draco had talked. and that she had convinced him to come out. She thought that perhaps they should do this more often.
"I think that maybe me and you should meet like this more, you know to just come and talk. Maybe twice a week or something." She said with a smile as she looked up into his cold grey eyes. They were so unreadable, she could usually read anyone by their eyes, but when it came to Draco she was lost. She moved her eyes up to his hair, she loved that he stopped gelling it back, it looked so much softer, and it deffinately looked better when it was partly in his eyes.
As she stared up at his hair she realized just how much taller he was then her, even when they were sitting down.
"What do you think?" She asked with smile. She couldn't help but smile, and a part of her didn't want to stop.

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