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KeKe's journal. My journal contains yaoi, and lots of yaoi and some yaoi, too. Stay out. :3

May La Nee
Community Member
Ginny smiled and watched as Hermione practically ran out the door. She did not want to get her involved, but the only way of turning back now would be to Obliviate her memory, and Ginny wouldn't do that to her friend.
She sighed as she looked at the time. there was no way for her to be able to get to class on time, even without grabbing an apple from the Great Hall.
"******** it." Ginny muttered as she walked up to her dorm and went to take a nap.

((I don't see how we can continue from here so why don't you write the Draco part you talked about. So sorry once again! sad But I also feel like s**t so....yah it still isn't an excuse, but whatever. lol))

Kawamura Keigo
"Good point," Hermione replied, rushing because she was eager to grab a sandwich before the breakfast would disappear from the Great Hall. "I'll try my best.... You have no idea how curious I am," Hermione added, smiling warmly at Ginny. Her curiosity and will to help were sincere, and because Hermione didn't know if Ginny realized that, this smile should make that clear.

((I don't know if you have anything to add or if I can start writing what happened to Draco after Ginny left lol so I'll do that in my next reply. n__n))

((Ill tell you what I think in a new message n_n))
"Yeah 3 will be fine. But you don't have to watch him, it'll be fine. If he catches you then he'll think that your up to something and he won't trust me anymore." Ginny said as she too started to stand to head down to the Great Hall.
"We'd better hurry or we're going to miss our first lesson."

((LOL! Well you can tell me if it's worth the wait. it's called 'Broken' and it's by 'Wiccan98'))

Kawamura Keigo
"Right after class today... I don't now about you, but us sixth-years are off at 3PM. Depending on when you are ready, we will go see him. I could keep him waiting after class if you like, since we have Potions together."
She piled up her rolls of parchment, and tried to put them in her bag. They were crumpled, but she managed.
She then got up and closed her jar of ink, and got ready to go downstairs to have some breakfast before rushing to today's first class; Transfiguration.

((lol this fanfic better be worth the wait! biggrin ))
Ginny frowned at her response.
"I am almost certain that he did not put a spell on me." She said as she resisted the temptaion to roll her eyes. "If you knew what I know, or talked to him like I have then you wouldn't be thinking that either." She added.
Ginny knew that it was pointless to argue but she couldn't listen to her talking about Draco like that when she knew nothing about him, she felt compeled to defend him.
"I guess you're right though, about everything but Draco putting a spell on me. I'll still go with you and talk to him about what happened. When are we going to do it?" She asked.

((I am so sorry for not replying as much as I used to, but I started a new fanfic and I'm just completely wrapped up in it. I'll try to reply more.))

Kawamura Keigo
"That's a possibility..." Hermione started, not sounding like she considered it a possibility at all, "But it's also possible you blacked out before the experience had the time settle in your long-term memory." This option definitely seemed the only logical option to Hermione... Except maybe...; "Or he put a spell on you."
She was too curious (and nosey) to even consider letting it go.

"Thanks Hermione." Ginny said as she looked at the mountain of books that surrounded the table. She was surprised that there was so much information on the room, she thought that it was a secret.
"Uh...Hermione?.....I don't think we should talk to Mal....'Him'. I mean what if I am not ready to get the memories back? My mind blocked them out for a reason, what if they affect me....too harshly." Ginny said without looking at the girl. She did want to know what happened, but she wanted it to be when she knew she was ready, but that didn't stop the guilt that washed over her as she looked once again at mound of books and scrolls on the table.

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"Sure, let me get these out of your way...." Hermione mumbled as she got a pile of rolls of parchment and put them on the other end of the table. It was probably clear she didn't get much sleep last night. She had went to bed at about eleven, and got out at 4.30 because he thought of unfinished business wouldn't allow her to sleep.

"There is -far- more information about the Room of Requirement than I thought there would be... " she muttered, as she searched through the roles, looking for a specific one. Ron, who just came out of bed, got a few of he rolls that fell of the table as she did so, and put them back on. "What are you doing so early...?" he muttered, but before he got an answer he froze; "It's not...O.W.L.s-time or anything, is it?"

"No Ron, it isn't. " Hermione gave Ginny a quick look, and decided she shouldn't tell him quite yet. "This is about monthly periods. So... You might want to just leave us and get some breakfast," she answered Ron with a smile, that lasted until Harry had come down and him and Ron had left the room. It was as if she used the smile to push them out.

"All right, erm... I'm still planning to ask some teachers about the room to find out if there are aspects of it not described in any books, but I think it would be better if we talk to 'him' first so I know what we're looking for... "
"Good to have you back, by the way," she added hastily, slightly embarrassed for not saying it before.

Ginny woke up in the Hospital Wing and briefly wondered where she was. Then her conversation with Hermione came flodding back. She remebered Hermione telling her that she ran out of the Room of Requirement looked scared as hell. She also remembered telling Hermione that she couldn't remember anything after her leaving the Great Hall. Hermione and her would talk to Draco and figure out what happened. As much as she didn't want to betray Draco's trust Ginny knew that she had to find out what happened to her and get her memory back.
Madam Pomfrey came over a few minutes later and after doing a quick exam on Ginny she told her that she could leave.
Slowly Ginny got out of bed and walked towards the Gryffindore tower. She just wanted to climb into bed and fall asleep, wake up and find that this was all a horrible dream.
As she opened the protrait hole she saw Hermione sitting at the table with a lot of books and a lot of parchment. She walked over to her.
"Can I sit here?" She asked with a warm smile that said 'Thank You' as she indicated to the empty chair beside Hermione.

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Hermione looked at Ginny with a worried expression. She saw Ginny as her younger sister, and would hate to find anything bad happened to her. She sat by Ginny's side for a short while making mental notes of hat happened, and then went to the library to do some research about the Room of Requirement before curfew.

Since she had no idea what was going on and didn't know what Draco's secret could be, she decided all the information she found was significant at least until she got to talk to Ginny and Draco together so she noted everything and found background information on all possible scenarios as well just in case.
Doing this, sorting this all out, made her feel useful and simply good about herself.

With her arms full of rolls of parchment and her quill between her lips she left the library, slightly frustrated because Mme. Pince insisted she left immediately. She felt good about herself though, and couldn't wait to meet up with Ginny -and Draco- to see which of her findings could explain what had happened.

Ginny nodded in agreement. It was the only thing that made sense right now. Slowly her tears stopped and she wiped her eyes.
"Thank you Hermione." Ginny said sleepily to the older girl.
Her eyes closed and she was asleep again within minutes.

Kawamura Keigo
Of course, Hermione knew the solution. She thought quickly, and decided what came up in her head first was the best thing to do. "Next time you'll meet him I'll come with you. Whether he likes it or not. Then, he can tell us what happened."
"I remember that I had to meet Draco, and I was going to ask him if you could come. But I don't remember anything after I got up and told Colin that I was going to the library......" Ginny said. She was desperatly trying to remember if she even made it to the room, But nothing was coming to her, everything was black.
"Hermione, what am I going to do?" Ginny asked in a worried tone as tears started to roll down her cheeks.

Kawamura Keigo
"The Room of Requirement. You were meeting up with Draco, remember?" Hermione insisted, worried, curious and a tad bit annoyed. "You have to remember Ginny.. You looked terrified when you burst out of there."
Ginny looked at Hermione as id she had ten heads.
"What room? What are you talking about?" Ginny asked as she went to sit up but the pain in her side increased so she stayed back down.
"All I remember was eating in the Great Hall. I left and then I woke up here." Ginny said as she screwed up her face trying to remember. But nothing else was coming to her.

Kawamura Keigo
Hermione peeked over her shoulder to make sure Mme. Pomfrey wasn't eavesdropping. "You jumped out of the Room as if... I don't know... But you seemed flabbergasted. I didn't think it was all wise for me to burst in and see what was going on so I took you here."
Ginny slowly opened her eyes and shut them again quickly because the white in the room was blinding her. Slowly she tried to open her eyes again after a moment and the first thing she noticed was that she was in the Hospital Wing. She couldn't remember why though. She turned slowly and ignored the pain she felt in her side.
She saw Hermione sitting beside her bed looking absolutly shocked.
"What Happened?" Ginny asked in a hoarse whisper.

Kawamura Keigo
Ginny seemed absolutely terrified! Hermione was afraid to go in the room and find out exactly why.
So instead, she did what she considered best and took Ginny to the hospital wing and explained to Mme. Pomfrey that Ginny had appeared out of nowhere and fainted.
She stayed with her until she woke up, intentionally not warning Ron.
Ginny felt someone grab her and she screamed in terror. She heard someone speak but she couldn't tell who they were.
She suddenly saw a flash of brown frizzy hair as she stopped struggleing to get away. She was too weak at this moment. She opened her eyes and felt the tears of fear roll down her cheek as Hermione's face came into view.
She opened her mouth to say something but no words would come out. A second later Ginny went limp in Hermione's arms. She had fainted.

Kawamura Keigo
Hermione let out a small sqeual of shock when Ginny burst from the Room of Requirement so suddenly. She had just gathered her stuff and was planning to find another bench, because the one she had been waiting on previously had a portrait above it that kept distracting her with desperate attempts at conversation.

When she realized it was only Ginny who had burst from the room, she felt a little bit of relief. Until she saw the expression on her face. "What happened!?" she asked, as she grabbed Ginny's arm.
Ginny watched in horror as everything began to change. She couldn't move, couldn't scream, couldn't even blink.
She over at where Draco was, but he was no longer standing infront of her. Now there was someone completely different. Ginny knew this to be Till. No longer being able to control her fear, she started violently shaking from he fear, even her teeth were chattering.
She looked around and saw that they werent floating in nothingness. Somewhere in her mind she knew that she had to get out or she would die. But her fear had paralized her to the spot.
Her mind was fighting her telling her to move to get out and run as far and as fast as she could.
Slowly she started to get pulled out of her shock as she heard Draco's/Till's rattleing breath.
She looked over at him and saw once more the hungry look in his eyes. He was looking at her lustfully, but it was a blood lust.
Anger suddenly filled her as she remembered what happened the last time she had recived that look. The last time someone had broke her. She was not going to let that happen again.......ever.
"REDUCTO!" Ginny yelled as she pointed her wand at the cage bars. They melted and Ginny jumped without a second thought.

Kawamura Keigo
The moment Ginny's words died down, the fire seemed to be fighting an inexplicable surreal wind, not registered by living beings except by sight.
"I disagree, little girl..." the smirk seemed the etch itself deeper in Draco's face, making him seem old, lonely, cold, an desperately trying to be happy, "Things are better than they have ever been...."
He licked his now dry, flaky lips again, before inhaling in a way that made it sound like there was dry chalk in his throat.

The temperature dropped in the room, and with that it started changing. The ceiling shot up and slowly changed from sandstone-brown to metallic grey, and as it started to take the shape of bars rather than one smooth surface, the chairs sank in the floor and disappeared laving the two of them sitting on cold metal bars as well.

They were in a huge cage now, that seemed to be floating in outer space.
There was no wind, there was a whirling icy presence that invisibly accompanied them.
There was no ink, quill or table, there was a rusty guillotine.
Ginny wasn't wearing her school uniform, she was dressed as a late 17th century lady of class.
And there was no Draco, there was Till the Executioner.

Ginny could tell that something was seriously wrong.
Draco had a hunger in his cold eyes that had never been present before now. It chilled her down to the bone. The entire room seemed to go cold as Draco spoke. Ginny could feel the goosebumps start to rise on her skin. She could feel the cold shaking her bones. She refused to shake outwardly though.
Ginny watched as Draco's eyes skimmed over her, she could tell that he knew she was scared, even if it was just a little in his eyes, he did know.
Looking closer at him Ginny realized that Draco's eyes had changed. Not only had they became colder and hard, but they also changed in colour.
His eyes used to be a bright ice grey, now however, there was a darker rim of grey surrounding the iris and as she looked more she saw that there was a lighter shade between the rim of grey and his pupil. She also noticed that right before his pupil there were flecks of yellow.
"This is not good." Ginny said under her unsteady breath.

Kawamura Keigo
Draco's eyes went over Ginny as if he was using them to feel under her clothes. "Better than ever," he replied with a slight thrill in his voice, before focussing his eyes in hers and giving her a glare that seemed to command her to do the most terrible and embarrassing things imaginable without caring about being obeyed or not, because her slightest physical reaction was enjoyable enough to temporarily satisfy his deepest and darkest desires while stirring up her best-kept secrets to the point where they started boiling inside of her and try to shape their way through her lips.

His face melted in the shadow of a grin when he could sense her fear spread through the room like a hypnotizing perfume, making him crave for her the way an infant craves for it's mother's breast. It made him slowly lick his lips and swallow, trying to capture the scent inside of him and digest it to become part of him so he could carry it inside of him like hot feverish dreams.
The grin had stopped melting. It had taken the shape of a nightmare.

Ginny noticed at once that something was....different...something was....wrong
He seemed kind of....detached. His voice had changed, it was deeper and really creepy. like the voices that the killers have in the muggle movies.
"Are you sure you're alright?" She asked slowly and caustiously. "You seem.....different." She added.

Kawamura Keigo
'Draco' in- and exhaled slowly and deeply, enjoying every particle that entered his body and feeling it as if it was his very first breath.
He seemed to have 'fallen' from his high, uncomfortable stress-point to a much lower and darker point of absolute equanimity.
"I feel much better," he said, taking his time to taste every word, every syllable, and feel them depart from his lips.
He moved his head to the side so far it made an awkward cracking sound and then sighed in relief; it had been a while since he had last been able to do that.
"Much better..."

Ginny gave a curt nod and pulled out her wand. Slowly she flicked her wrist to the right with a downward motion.
"sedo" She said calmly but clearly.
A red/white wisp slowly moved from her wand and hit Draco in the chest. She watched as his chest absorbed the redish mist.
"How do you feel?" Ginny asked after a moment of silence.

((Thats cuz your evil! razz ))
Kawamura Keigo
"Good, just... Don't knock me out, all right?" His voice was rather toneless. He knew it was because he was feeling hollow, exhausted and feverishly heavy, while he tried to sound careless.
He would love to lose himself in a deep dreamless sleep right now. He felt sick, even though there was no nausea or pain. Being calm would be good.

(( I say Ginny's spell relaxes Draco so much Till gets a chance to do whatever))
Ginny watched as Draco worked. She could see that he was stressed. She noticed that his shoulders were tense and his breathing was short and quick. He didn't look like he'd be calming down anytime soon.
Ginny watched as Draco's shot up to her and was almost unable to register his words as she studied the stress on his face.
"I'm fine." She said with a shrug.
"I can see that you're not though." She pointed out seriously. "Would you like me to preform a calming spell? Or will it not help?" Ginny asked with a small innocent smile.

Kawamura Keigo
"Thanks." he said shortly, as he took the ink and opened it, right before elbowing his bag off the table in the same move.
He opened a roll of parchment and stared at it -clearly- unable to focus on it, so within a few seconds his eyes were back on Ginny.
"How are you?" he asked, not sincerely sounding interested. He NEEDED to calm down, otherwise he wouldn't get anything done. And tomorrow 8AM was his deadline for this essay.

Till was so quiet, and it was -so- frustrating!
Ginny didn`t even realize that Draco had thrown the ink until it smashed against the wall. It all happened too fast for her eyes to catch it.
"Yah thats probably true" She said as she willed another ink bottle.
"here." Ginny said as she handed the ink bottle that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Kawamura Keigo
"If I jumped up right after you left, people would have started to think we're dating," Draco said, closing the door behind him, "I had to make my excuse for leaving and not being here when they go to the Common Room believable, it's why I took a while." He looked around in the room, that looked pretty much like a small version of the library. "Never been here before... " he said, as he put his bag on the table in front of Ginny and then sat opposing her, getting seven rolls of parchment from his bag.
Three of them were torn, two were crumpled, two were burned for the most par and the last was still neat and new looking. "I decided to take some of my previous attempts, since some of the sentences I used looked good enough to use again,"
He got his ink and his quill out of his bag, and then whiped it off the table rather violently.

Ginny reconginized Draco voice and let go of a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.
"Hey. I thought maybe you weren't coming or that you forgot." Ginny said as she willed more lights to turn on in the room.

((You can bring Hermione in at anytime))

Kawamura Keigo
Draco, too, saw not much more than a silhouette in front of the fireplace, but when he opened the door further he could tell by the way 'it' had it's hair it had to be Ginny. "Hey," he said politely, as he walked in and closed the door.
Ginny waited in the Room of Requirement for about twenty minutes before she started thinking that perhaps Draco either changed his mind or didn't notice her leave, or both. She was debateing going back to the Great Hall to see if he was still there when she heard the door slowly creek open. She looked towards it but could only see a silohette and she couldn`t be sure if it was Draco or not.

Kawamura Keigo
Draco hadn't specifically been paying attention to Ginny in the fear of others finding out they were acquainted, but he did immediately notice she left the table.

He waited for a while, stirred his soup, broke the edge of a cracker, dipped it in, and then said he felt sick and was going for a nap and demanded complete rest when the others would arrive. Since Draco was fairly popular in Slytherin ( he wasn't #1, but he was definitely in the top 10), most people respected this.
So first thing Draco did was leave the Great Hall to go to the Slytherin Common Room to close the curtains around his bed and get some of his homework, and then he went to where he thought the Room of Requirement was.

There was a door in the wall he couldn't quite recognize as a door to another room, so he carefully opened it and hoped to find the Room of Requirement.

Ginny was sitting at the Gyrffindor table at diner the next day. She would glance over at the Slytherin table and look at Draco. He seemed oddly calm, and worried at the same time. It was beginning to trouble Ginny.
Unable to eat anymore she slowly got up from her seat, trying to discretely catch Draco's eyes as she did so. Slow and calmly she walked out of the Great Hall. Muttering something about going to the library to her friend Colin after he gave her a questioning look.

Kawamura Keigo
Hermione simply looked up to her and smiled politely.She knew Ginny probably was sincerely sorry, but she hadn't quite forgiven her yet.
She didn't see any reason whatsoever to spray bad language like that, and thought it was a lack of manners and self-control that had caused Ginny to let go like this. But then again... Meeting up with Malfoy late at night could be a good reason to be in a bad mood.
When Ginny had went in the bedroom, Hermione sighed. Talk to Malfoy... He had a reason to be the way he was? Spoiled and arrogant?
She decided to get a piece of parchment and a quill and write down all the related thoughts that came up in her now, so she wouldn't forget them. After that, she went to bed.

The next day. Dinner. Draco was worried. Not because Till was constantly shouting, but because he was not. He had been awfully calm the entire day, even last night, actually. When Till had suddenly simply 'shut up', it felt like there was an enormous empty space inside of Draco. He was afraid it would refill itself with such power he wouldn't be able to stop it. Alone. In the Room of Requirement. With Ginny...
She'd better bring her wand.
"Okay I will see you tomorrow." Ginny said as she turned to up the stairs.
Half way up one of the steps to her dorm she silently cursed under her breath and turned around.
"I`m sorry for what I said." As she turned and faced Hermione.
Then she spun around and went back upstairs muttering something about her `damn guilty concious`.
Ginny flopped down on her bed and fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow.
((Not sure if you`ll want to say what Hermione does or if you wanna skip to tomorrow in the great hall at dinner. Your choice.))

Kawamura Keigo
"I understand..., " Hermione was going to add something, but she couldn't quite decide what. She wanted to let Ginny know she appreciated she had told her this much, that Ron really was worried about her, that she doubted Malfoy's intentions even though she hadn't ever actually talked to him, and also that she was glad Ginny was back inside safely, "and I'll talk to you tomorrow."
There, that was a good way to end the conversation.
Ginny had calmed down considerably, but she was still frustrated, and it wasn't with just Hermione, she reazlized now that she was just upset with everyone in general and Hermione was just a convient person to yell at right at this moment.
Ginny heaved a sigh at Hermione's question. She did want to tell her because she knew Hermione could help, but it wasn't her problems to tell.
"Uh...No, sorry but I won't do that, it's not my place and I refuse to go around spreading people's personal lives." Ginny said in a tone that she hoped Hermione would realize that she wasn't going to say anymore on the subject.
"But, I am suppoesed to meet him Tomorrow, let me talk to him and find out if he wants you to know, and if he wants to tell you. I think you may be able to help with it anyway." Ginny said know that Hermione rarely turned down helping someone, especially if it meant doing reaearch.

Kawamura Keigo
Hermione indeed frowned, because it was hard to believe. She restored her facial expression soon enough not to seem frustrated though; "Could you tell me why he is the way he is..?" she asked, trying not to seem too much like a detective.
She was really wondering if there was an answer to that other than 'the way he's brought up', and she feared whatever answer Ginny had was probably made up. But she couldn't be sure about that until she found out and then did some research, could she?

Ginny really didn't want to talk but she saw the concern on Hermione's face and sighed. She didn't feel guilty and she wasn't going to say that she was sorry because she didn't feel that she was out of line. This was her life Hermione was trying to pry into.
"Alright I'll tell you, me and Draco were just talking, now I know that it seems hard to believe but it's true. I was talking to him last week and we decided that we liked talking to each other and met up again tonight. We just talk about random stuff, he really isn't as bad as he seems. If you just knew why he acts the way he does then you wouldn't be bugging me right now." Ginny said realizing that it was going to be hard for Hermione to believe, she also knew that she had stretched the truth about a few things. Like her saying that Draco and herself liked talking to each other, she knew that she did, and she thought that Draco did but she couldn't be sure.

Kawamura Keigo
"Ginny, I am ready to talk. Now please come down and tell me what's going on... I will be quiet; I just need to know. For the sake of my sanity, please?"

Hermione sighed deeply; it was hard not to show how frustrated you were with someone.. Especially when you were frustrated because you wanted the best for them and they didn't seem to understand that. Her initial frustrations had been spat, so she would be able to listen now.

"Fine, if you don't want to go by my conditions for you talkung to me about my life then I am going to bed, call me in the morning if you're ready to talk and actually let me talk." Ginny said as she moved to head upstairs.
"Oh, and how do you know if I am talking like him? Maybe I an just finally acting like me."

Kawamura Keigo
"Don't talk to me like you're him..." Hermione said in a low voice, giving Ginny a look that would have been considered condescending if she wouldn't have been the one sitting down.
On the edge of her chair, ready to jump up and defend herself in case necessary.

She though to herself that she herself had been a lot more civil towards Ginny than vice versa, especially since the language she used, but she wasn't here to correct her English; she was here because she cared.
Ginny stood there listening to Hermione talk and talk and talk until she could no longer take it.
"Hermione will you please just shut the ******** up for a minute and let me explian! Yes I was out with Draco, no it's none of your's or Ron's buissiness! and I doubt that he is laughing at me! and even if he is I really don't give a flying ********! Now, if you want to know what is going on then I will tell you, but only if your going to talk civily and let me talk as well. If not them you can get out of my god damn way so I can go to bed. What'll it be Granger?" Ginny spat out her last name as if it was something unclean.
She really didn't know where all her anger had come from, but at the moment she realized that she really didn't care.

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Draco only half realized she kissed his face. Part of it considered it adorable, the rest of him just wanted to sink away. He just stood there for a while, and he did not move until Ginny had disappeared from sight.

Hermione jumped up the moment she heard the portrait of the Fat Lady swing open, making the fire sweep up in the process because of how strong her emotions were as she did so. "What were you doing outside with Malfoy? Ronald has been worried sick about you, you know that!? It's terribly inappropriate! Not to mention ridiculous! What were you thinking!? He's probably laughing at you right now! You have no idea what you're doing, have you!?" Hermione was so busy wording her frustrations she barely realized she was sounding more like Mrs. Weasley with every word.

"Okay, Goodnight Draco." Ginny said slightly disapointed. She started to slowly walk back up to the castle when a thought came to her, she quickly turned and walked back to Draco.
"I hope you feel better, Night." She said when she was only inches from his face. Slowly she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek lightly before turning around and, as calming as possible, walked back to the castle without another word.

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