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KeKe's journal. My journal contains yaoi, and lots of yaoi and some yaoi, too. Stay out. :3

May La Nee
Community Member
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo
KaQu-Queen of CuckooHeads
Kawamura Keigo

It was as if Luna had passed her wide-eyed look on to Draco when she said that word. "Wh- It's TWINS!?" He stood there moving his mouth like a fish making bubbles for a second, trying to find words to express the shock he was in. He slowly turned to Pomfrey, but it took him another second or so to speak; "D-.. Check! Is it twins!?"

"Check?" Madame Pomfrey said, and laughed at Draco. "Look. Do you See how big that belly is? She certainly looks like she's seven months pregnant with twins. Now, how long as she been pregnant really?" she asked Draco, raising an eyebrow.

She might not have been a fan of teen pregnancy, but her job first and for most was to see to the care of Luna and the babies. She put on gloves and forced a potion down Luna's throat to kill the pain she was certainly going to feel. Already Luna seemed to be honing in on eight months. At this rate she could go into labor in an hour maybe two.

"Er... I think... Three months or so? I don't... How come her belly is so big...?" He decided not to tell Pomfrey he had enlarged her breasts and made her legs longer.. he didn't want to get this woman angry at him at all. He as rather worried about Luna, he had to admit that to himself. What if something was seriously wrong?

"It looks like someone was doing magic on her," Pomfrey answered with a small sigh. "I know I probably don't have to tell you this, because of your parents, but you never ever do magic on a pregnant woman. Who knows what it could do to the babies? It looks like we're lucky in this case though, and the pregnancy is just accelerated."

She left for a little while. It was about a half hour later when she came back with a glass of water and some more potions and towels. She splashed the glass of water in Luna's face a bit, making her wake up. She smiled at Luna reassuringly, trying to get her to relax because she woke up looking as shocked and worried as when she had gone out.

"Honey, I need you to start breathing deep slow breaths okay?" Pomfrey instructed, showing Luna how. "I already gave you a potion that will take away the pain, now you have to just do what I tell you, and everything will be okay. You and the babies will be perfectly fine, but I need you to stay awake now because it appears as though you're eight months pregnant, which means you can go into labor any time now. Alright?"

Luna nodded, crying. She was going to be a mommy. She was going to have Draco's babies. She and Draco had had sex, and she didn't even know it! It was only three months later now...and she was going to be in labor soon. She felt overwhelmed...she looked at Draco to try and help herself find a grip on reality. She copied Madame Pomfrey's deep breaths.

Draco felt his face drain when Pomfrey told him never to do magic on pregnant women.. He had actually known that, it just never crossed his mind when he needed it!
When Pomfrey as gone, all Draco did was resist the urge to cry. It was a little too much for him... He never intended to get her pregnant!? Let alone.. TWINS!?
Ah well. Karma was a b***h; nothing to do about it. With this thought he paid close attention to what Pomfrey was doing to Luna when she came back; he was going to personally witness childbirth? Of his children!?
When Luna looked up at him, Draco decided it was time to sit down. He had been so deep in thought he barely realized his legs were tired until then. "Don't worry; all right? I told you I'd take responsibility." he mumbled to her, feeling less sure about wanting to take responsibility every second. It was happening so soon!

Luna nodded. It was going to be okay...everything was going to be okay...she kept telling herself. Madame Pomfrey gave her the water which Luna drank happily. She knew that it was an absolutely horrible time to mention it, but she was ravenous again. Luckily, however, Madame Pomfrey guessed at it and brought over a plate of waffles.

"Here you are sweetie, that ought to hold you over until the labor starts," she said, and it was barely in Luna's hands before it was half gone. It was weird being able to feel herself get bigger, but at least she knew it was not pure weight gain. Part of her was glad that the pregnancy was accelerated, too, because that meant that she was going to get to be Draco's dream girl again sooner as well.

Then she felt wet...very wet. She swallowed the last bit of waffles before managing to say: "Madame?" and then she moaned in pain. She tried doing the deep breathes again...but that sudden pang of pain interrupted again. She groaned.

"Alright, the good news is, I think that this will only take a couple of minutes for the first baby to come out," she said. "And then it could be seconds or minutes for the second. Normally I would say minutes or hours...but..." she looked at Draco. "You're going to have to help me by holding the first one." She forced a towel into his arms. Try not to get any of the blood on your uniform, it's a pain to try and get out blood stains."

"Father Accio's them out... " Draco muttered under his breath, still amazed by how quickly Luna could eat and not yet quite realising he was about to be a Father.
This was terrible... But it was great! He was going to have to stay with Luna now though.. Possibly marry her... Possibly? Probably! He was going to do the right thing and solve this whole situation as much like a man as he could. She'd probably look gorgeous in white... IF she got the figure she had before she grew the size of a whale back, that was.

He stood there, clumsily, not knowing how to hold this towel, and not knowing how and where to look. It as more difficult than he expected to find a fitting facial expression, so he decided to go for 'interested'.

"Breathe Luna, breathe," Pomfrey ordered, ignoring Draco for the moment. "Okay, the baby is crowning...I'm going to need you to push Luna. Push hard, and keep breathing the way I told you..."

Luna was sweating up a storm, she was closer to hyper-ventalting rather than doing the breathing that Pomfrey had told her to do. Her eyes were pinched shut, her mouth looked like it was set in a permanent grimace--she was sure this was hardly dream like--and pushed. For a second...just a second, the pain stopped. The room exploded with the sound of a baby crying. Pomfrey put the baby in Draco's arms before shouting "The second one is crowning now!"

And the process was repeated. Luna felt although she had died. Her body was spent. Surely nothing more could ever be expected of her. She wouldn't sweat ever again, she wouldn't cry ever again, she wouldn't bleed ever again...she certainly wouldn't ever speak ever again because she had no voice.

"Congratulations mum and dad, they're both girls," Pomfrey told them, calmly cutting the cords and cleaning them off. Pomfrey did one while Draco was forced to hold the other. When one was clean, Luna was allowed to hold her while Pomfrey cleaned the other one. Then they both started crying. "It looks like they're still growing at an accelerated rate," Pomfrey said with a frown. "Nothing I can do to stop that...you'll just have to wait until it stops. And feed them, before your bosom get so big it explodes," Pomfrey ordered Luna. "You're producing milk at an accelerated rate for them, thank goodness, but if any of you are going to survive you'll have to give it to them now, no matter how tired you are."

Then she left the room. Luna hurried to do as she was told, balancing both of the baby girls carefully...one at each breast. She would have been embarrassed that Draco was still there, but she was pretty sure he was too shocked to mind. ((and/or jealous that he doesn't get to suck on them himself.))

Draco was frozen in time and space as the two... No wait three... No good Gods FOUR ladies around him rushed by. He was a father now? For real? ...TWICE!?
Wow, what were they going to call them...
Before he fully got to think these thoughts, both girls were in Luna's arms fasting of his creation. Or erm.. Of his.. Of her breasts that he had enlarged.
"This is weird... " Well he had to say something!?

"No kidding," Luna said, shaking her head. "Look at how cute they are!" she ordered. "We're going to have to name them, you know," she said. She looked at the one on her left. "I kinda want to name her Angelique...see that birth mark there on her head? It almost looks like a halo..."

"Ehb... Do I...?"
He stared at the birthmark on 'Angelique's' head, and didn't see much of a halo in it at all.
"Ehm.. " He looked at the other baby, and pretty much decided he was naming that one for no reason whatsoever. "...Hmn.. Dai-.. No.. Din.. Dinya-Marie?"
Look at me when I'm talking to you!

"Oh," Luna said. "I think they're done eating, for the moment...will you burp Dinya-Marie while I burp Angelique?" She asked, and without waiting for an answer she pretty much forced a towel on Draco's shoulder and then Dinya-Marie on him too. "Have you burped a baby before?" she asked him, patting Angelique's back gently. "I've only ever seen it done myself..."
Don't look at me!

"Er... No...?" Draco still barely realized these children were here, let alone his. And now he had to -burp- them!? "I've never seen a baby in real life... Not.. This young, any way... "

Madame Pomfrey came back into the room, and saw Draco struggling with the baby. She rolled her eyes and took the little girl from him, and the towel, and burped the child herself for fear that Draco would do more harm than he would have good. When they were both burped, she gave the baby back to Luna, and they immediately started nursing again. Madame Pomfrey shook her head.

"Look how big they are already," she said more to herself than either Draco or Luna. "They must be approaching two months..." she shook her head and then looked at Draco. "I'm going to send an owl to both of your parents. They have to be informed. I will wait until tomorrow at dinner, if the two of you would like to send your own owls first."

"They are getting really big..." Luna said, thoughtfully.

"Sure they are, " Draco replied hastily to Luna when Pomfrey took the little girl from him. "Owls? I mean... Do they really... " Of course his parents needed to know! Draco understood that, but he really hoped it wouldn't be necessary. It was very likely he would receive a Howler in return. "Why so soon? I mean.." He was going to suggest the babies could still die, but when he was about to pronounce this he knew he couldn't say it. It would be too harsh on Luna; she seemed so happy.
"I er... Oh -All right!" He sighed deeply, and then sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Which one is who, any way?" he asked, trying to get his mind off his parents. He couldn't really distinguish a halo-like birth mark any where.

"Well this one is Angelique," Luna said as she indicated the baby on her left with a nod of her head, "and this one is Dinya-Marie."

Then Madame Pomfrey put diapers on both of the girls, because she decided that they were too old to go without them any longer. She stayed for a little while, making sure that everything was alright. The longer she stayed, the deeper the concerned frown on her face became. The twins were getting bigger without showing any signs of slowing the whole aging process any time soon.

Madame Pomfrey left the room again, deciding that Luna had everything under control for the moment. Now that the girls were older, and they did not have to worry about supporting their heads so much, Luna got up and showed Draco how to properly burp a baby. She set Dinya-Marie on the bed, and showed him how to hold Angelique on his shoulder with one hand while carefully patting her back with the other. Luna almost jumped up and down with glee when Angelique burped.

"That was a good one Angie!" she cheered, stroking the baby's nose. "Good girl!" Then Dinya-Marie started crying, so Luna sat back down on the bed and tried to feed them both again, but it appeared as though they were not hungry. Madame Pomfrey came back into the room and took Dinya-Marie from Luna.

"It's time for mum to take a nap," she told Luna. "And it's time for dad to learn how to change a diaper."

If they keep growing at this rate it's a rather pointless skill, isn't it..?" Draco asked hopefully, knowing deep inside he would have to learn how to change a baby any way. The look in Pomfrey's eyes confirmed this. "Can't you do it with magic? I mean.. Without.. -touching- them....?"

"Mister Malfoy, do you ever plan on having any other children?" Madame Pomfrey asked without waiting for an answer she said, "you are going to learn to do this the right way. Call it punishment if it makes it any easier for you." She said. She set Dinya-Marie on the bed next to Luna's and then sent Angelique next to her. "You are going to have to take the first diaper off like this," Madame Pomfrey said. "And then hold their legs up like this in one hand. Put the old diaper to the side, and put the new one underneath. Wipe their bottom, give them a little bit of baby powder to prevent a rash, and then fasten the new diaper. Take the old diaper in a bag, and throw it away."

Draco gave a look of surprised disgust that appeared on his face before he realized it. In fact, he was amazed. This was very intimate.... He couldn't imagine his parents ever doing this on him. Nah, they probably had Dobby do it.
He couldn't help it; he wanted to do this. It was disgusting and remotely ridiculous in his opinion, but he couldn't help the feeling that grew in him. It was a feeling of responsibility, of caring, maybe even. This pathetic hideous little thing was one of his two daughters -he didn't remember which one- but it was his!
Wow. He could tell his expression had changed, but he didn't know what it changed into. He didn't care much, either.
He wasn't exactly doing anything bsides staring at the little girl, though.

"Come on boy!" Madame Pomfrey snapped, rolling her eyes at him. "Dinya-Marie's diaper is not going to change itself. Now, take the diaper off," she instructed, giving him the instructions again. When he had finished to her satisfaction she left the room and gave Draco the simple order of not allowing them to cry and wake up Luna. She came back in the room a few minutes later and gave Draco a bottle. Madame Pomfrey took Dinya-Marie in one arm, and gave her the bottle with the other, expecting Draco to follow suit.

Draco did follow. He gently picked up Angelique and tried to get the lid of the bottle between her lips without force. This child was so tiny and fragile! How on earth could they survive!? He suddenly had the unjustified fear his father would kill their babies if he ever found out... but he was going to find out at some point, right? Good God, two children by accident! If his father wasn't going to kill the girls, he was definitely going to kill him!
She seemed to grow as he held her. Yes, she really did seem to gradually gain weight... But it could also just seem that way because his arm grew tired rapidly.
"I'm thinking..." he said softly to Madam Pomfrey, "what if they'll keep growing until they have the physique of 80-year-olds? They'd have the mental ability of 4-year-olds, right?" He was genuinely worried about this, and hoped Madam Pomfrey had an answer to calm him down a little bit.

"I'm not sure," Madame Pomfrey answered. "All we can do is wait and see." She put Dinya-Marie on her shoulder, and started gently hitting her back in order to burp her. "It's time that they napped, however," she said setting Dinya-Marie on the bed. "They are getting so big...my guess is that they are around eight months now...they'll be walking soon that means."

"Great," Draco replied in an annoyed tone, as he copied Pomfrey and much to his disgust noticed the little girl drooled on his shoulder. "It would be terrible if that's how they die-LIVED..."
The thought of his happening really started to scare him, and he couldn't help but envision it. It made him feel so awkwardly nervous it brought tears to his eyes. He really couldn't do anything right, could he?

The girls quickly fell asleep, and Madame Pomfrey turned to look at Luna because she did not know what to say to Draco Malfoy. Fortunately for Luna, she looked as though she was recovering from the pregnancy at an accelerated rate as well, although it did not appear to be as accelerated as the girls' growth. When Madame Pomfrey realized something. Luna's belly was large, too large. Even if she had not had a speedy recovery it would have looked like she dropped twenty pounds over night because that is precisely what she had done.

Instead, however, Luna looked as though she was six months pregnant...Madame Pomfrey frowned. Obviously, the twin girls were not the only babies in there. She hoped for Draco and Luna's sake that there was just one more baby in there, but it was impossible to tell. She turned and looked at Draco.

"You have to keep a better eye on her this time," she told Draco as she glared at him. "If the twins are growing like this, I hate to see what the other one, or ones, will come out like. No more magic on Luna, and you have to make sure of it."

Draco nodded; keeping a student free from magic in a school that teaches magic could prove to be difficult, but he was willing to try. Then he started to realize the meaning of the words Pomfrey just said to him. "Wait... There's more!?"
Good Gods... He would not have been able to take care of one child, let alone of three! Or more!
"Wha-can't you get rid of it!?"

"Absolutely not!" Madame Pomfrey said, disgusted. "If you want, I can arrange for an adoption, but I cannot 'get rid of it.'" She glared at Draco and marched out of the room.

When she was gone, Luna woke up. She opened her eyes, slowly, and then sat bolt up right. At first she didn't recognize where she was. The events of the night before felt so unreal that they had to have been a dream...until she looked over and saw Draco standing next to a bed where to sleeping, growing, girls were. Luna looked at her daughters...They were already a year old, or at least that's what it looked like to Luna. They had long blonde hair, and their fingernails needed to be cut months ago. Or, maybe it was minutes?

But it was done, over with. She wasn't pregnant anymore, and certainly not...she put a hand on her belly. Her very large belly. Wait, what? No, the twins were out already. OUT! She looked at Draco, her already large eyes the size of the moon ((at nine in the afternoon...sorry, song, had to)). She couldn't be pregnant again!

"We didn't have sex twice, did we?" she asked, and fell back into a faint.

Draco was startled. Pomfrey glaring at him was probably justified; he had known the moment he said it that what he said was terrible. But when Luna fainted... It wasn't good for a pregnant woman to faint so often, was it?
"Luna, come on..." he sat beside her on the bed and kinda slapped her in her face to wake her up. "We're going to take care of this, okay? Just wake up now... "

Luna did what she was told. After all, she was still Luna. She woke up and looked at Draco as tears filled her eyes.

"I don't want to be pregnant again...how are we going to take care of the girls we have?" she asked him, a tear falling to her cheek. "I mean, how am I going to take care of them. Daddy's going to kill you."

Draco swallowed. Of course, Luna had parents too. And they probably didn't appreciate this prove of fertility. "It will be all right... Just relax... You're not pregnant again you're 'still' pregnant... Annnd... I said I would help...Don't worry about it...." He wasn't sure of what to do after these words, so he very carefully wrapped an arm around her and kissed her on the head.

"I don't know how to be a mum," she confessed to Draco. "My mum died when I was so young...I hardly remember her...how am I supposed to be a good mum to anyone else?"

Now she really did start crying. Draco being there helped, it really did, but she was so scared, so frightened. They were practically still babies themselves, how were they supposed to raise children? Finally she made herself stop when one of the babies--Angelique--started crying too. She got up off the bed, and took Angelique in her arms. She rocked her gently until she fell back asleep.

"What are we going to do Draco?" she asked, not putting Angelique back down yet.
Draco didn't know; he honestly had no idea. "Well... You seem to be doing a good job all ready...." He swallowed and tried to think of something useful to say. Useful for her, to make her feel better and confident. It was hard though; he wasn't raised to say things like that.
"A lot of people have children... Some had no example... Some had bad examples.. Some had examples gone to soon.. But we have money, annnnd... Well, you care. A lot of parents don't care but you really do so... I don't think you'll have to worry."
There. It sounded like something that could cheer up a pretty girl who just became a mother.. He hoped it was.

Luna nodded. Draco was right. He had to be right. These girls would grow up just fine, because she cared about them so much that they had to be just fine. But she was scared. There was more in her belly. One more? Two more? SEVEN? Still pregnant...She had always dreamed of having four kids, but she certainly did not want to have more than half of them now, while she was still in school and not married.

She was not prepared to have babies yet! She and her father barely had enough money to make it by as it was...they were barely living above Weasely status. Wait, did Draco said that they had money? Then she remembered that Draco was the son of Lucius Malfoy, one the wealthiest wizards ever, if not the wealthiest. Maybe they would be fine after all. No. They would be better than fine. Her girls, and other baby(ies) would be excellent.

After all, the girls had Draco's perfection and her large eyes to feminize them, they had to have wit although they had only been alive for a few hours so Luna had not actually witnessed it. They were going to be drop-dead-gorgeous and astonishingly cunning. Oh yes, all of them would be better than 'fine.'

"You're right," Luna said, in her normal dreamy whisper tone. "They're going to be so...amazing..." she commented with a smile, as she moved Angelique's blonde hair out of her face and set her down next to Dinya-Marie.
Draco nodded at her and forced a smile on his face. His main concern right now was to keep Luna safe and confident, though all he was really thinking of was these girls continuing to grow until they would die of -merely physical- old age.

If the girls would slow down their growing speed he would have felt a lot better right now. He would have been thinking about what to put in the letter to his parents, and how to persuade them into liking the girls (and the other baby(ies)) and accept them.
He knew for a fact his father would want him to marry Luna. Not because he wanted her as his daughter-in-law so badly, but because it was the lesser of two evils. Simply ignoring the situation would stain the name of Malfoy. Getting Luna pregnant in the first place was staining the name, but they could always put it off as a teen-thing... Not acknowledging the children and 'ignoring' the situation would be unforgivable though.
He couldn't help but secretly imagine what it would be like to get married to her. She was gorgeous.. It would be amazing to have her all to himself and have it black on white AND symbolized with a golden ring.

"They will be," he said, as he moved closer to her and wondered if it would be odd for him to kiss her now.

When Draco leaned in, she kissed him. This time it was different than it was before. Before it was purely passion, but now...there was feeling behind it. Not love, not yet, but caring and potential. Her heart raced, and the baby inside of her started kicking. She laughed, and took Draco's hand and put it against her belly so that he could feel it too.

"I wonder if that means it likes it or wants us to stop?" she said, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm sure it likes it..." Draco mumbled, as he forced his face in Luna's again and tried hard not to seem too eager to kiss her. He managed to hold himself back though. "...we should probably get married..." He mumbled right before their lips touched again, hoping he didn't scare her with this.

((I am beginning to really hate Gaia because I did totally reply to this.))

"Daddy would be less likely to kill you," Luna commented with a nod, when their lips separated. "And I know you're worried about your parents' reaction too. But...could we do it maybe after I'm not pregnant anymore? I don't want you to look irresponsible, or anything."

"I don't... really... see... How it would be irresponsible to marry you..." Draco mumbled, as he stroked his hands over her belly and wondered what on earth would come out of it next. They already had babies with speed.

"Well, we're so young, and rushing into a marriage that you wouldn't really want, because you got me pregnant, some would see that as more stupid then getting me pregnant in the first place," Luna answered with a shrug. "Plus, they'll say nasty things about me which doesn't really bother me, it's just something that we would have to deal with everyday..." She looked at the twins again. "Look, their hair isn't growing as long as fast," she commented.

Draco didn't really care about the twins right now. Sure, if they would have been in danger he would have been interested, but right now it seemed a little insignificant.
"We have two bastards already..." Draco couldn't help but reply to Luna, indicating the twins with a nod of his head without looking at them, "it would be cruel not to give the other child a chance to no be a b*****d."
He was little curious now though. If the twins hair had stopped growing, did that mean they were going to stop growing all together!? He peeked over his shoulder at them and realized they weren't quite shrinking or anything, so he focussed back on Luna.

"Well, by definition he'll be a b*****d even if we're married when I'm in labor, because it's when a baby is conceived that it matters," Luna argued, rolling her eyes. "So, I think we should wait until after I have it. Besides, I don't want to look back at the wedding pictures and think about how big I was. I want to remember how happy we are."

She looked at the girls. "They'll look so cute in little dresses, and they could be my bride's maids, or flower girls. And since I'm 6th months pregnant, the baby will probably be born in January or February so we could have the wedding in the spring." Luna said, her eyes lighting up ((I said Jan/Feb because it is still November first)). "Oh Draco, then we could do it outside, at the Qudditch field! Where everyone we want to have there can watch! We'll have people in the stands, and then on the field will be our family and very close friends..."

She stopped. She was planning their wedding without thinking about him and what he wanted. Luna made herself look into his eyes.

"Of course, if you aren't comfortable with it, we don't have to," she said. "We could do something...else..."

When Draco agreed to an outside wedding three months ago, he had no idea how much planning went into that kind of event. He was thankful to have his mother to do just that, though.
Lucius had quite some explaining to do in his circle of 'friends', and he sent Draco a Howler to make the lies he told his colleagues come true.

Draco was stressing out. Luna refused to set a date before the next twins -good gods; yes. Pomfrey was sure- were born, and both Draco's parents were going mad about this. His mother because she had so many things to arrange and she wanted it all to be perfect, but it wouldn't be perfect if the pie -that took 3 days to make- would arrive a day to late, and his Father was having a hard time inviting people he considered important because there simply was no date yet!
Both his parents blamed him for this, for getting her pregnant, and he decided not to change his initial story.
The story that he and Luna were a couple and had unprotected sex. He couldn't just tell them Snape locked him up to rape him and Luna happened to be there, could he!?

At first Luna and Draco had tried to keep the twin girls, and her second pregnancy, as secret as possible. Of course, in a school like Hogwarts that simply did not work. Angelique and Dinya-Marie, now each two years old physically and thankfully as mentally developed, went with Luna to the Great Hall for every meal. Then Madame Pomfrey, whom the girls referred to as Auntie, would take them and watch them while Luna and Draco had class.

Nine months pregnant, with twins, made Luna absolutely huge. She was glad she had decided to wait until the second set of twins were born to have the wedding. She would not want to look at pictures of a white balloon for the rest of her life, saying that it was what she looked like on her wedding day. However, she was about to give in to Draco and his parents and tell them that the wedding would be in a month, on April first, because she knew how it was bothering them.

When Angelique and Dinya-Marie saw their father they ran to him pulling on his hands and laughing. Luna smiled, the girls were so cute! Luna wobbled over to them, and ran a hand through Dinya-Marie's hair. And then her abdomen started to hurt. She let out a groan as she bent over, hugging her big belly.

"Draco..." she hissed through gritted teeth. "I think...it's...time..."

Draco froze instantly, and took Luna's wrist. "Now, call for auntie as loud as you can..." he whispered to the two girls, as Draco attempted to guide Luna to the hospital wing.

The scene was even more chaotic than the last. With two two-year-old girls in the room, constantly worried about what was happening to their mum, and Luna knew Draco was worried about how the boys would turn out...plus the entire school wanted to see this time sense they knew what was going on. Keeping the students out was pretty much taking everything Madame Pomfrey had out of her, until she got reinforcements in the form of Professor Dumbledore and an army of teachers that forced the other students to go to class.

Luna was in a horrible sweat by the time the first baby boy came out, and by the second she was drenched. Since the boys were not growing fast, like the girls, Luna did not have to feed them right away. Instead, Madame Pomfrey left with them, cleaned them off properly, and came back with two brand new diapered baby boys that had not grown to a month old after two minutes. So far, so normal, Luna thought to herself with a smile and she was permitted to hold one and Draco the other.

Angelique and Dinya-Marie looked at the wrinkly newborns that had come from their mum's belly, completely amazed. Angelique frowned. As she looked at first mum and then baby.

"Was I that teeny?" she asked, and Luna laughed, as did Madame Pomfrey.

"For a few minutes, yeah, you were," Luna answered.

"We grew with masheekol fastness!" Dinya-Marie exclaimed excitedly, as she ran around between Luna, Angelique and Draco.
"If you don't stop running you're going to hit the floor with your 'magical fastness'," Draco replied to Dinya-Marie, as he stopped her by briefly holding her shoulder until she stood still.
He didn't get his eyes off the little boy he was holding for a single second. There had to be something wrong with him, right!? He didn't want there to be anything wrong, but he couldn't quite believe there wasn't.
He gave the brand new baby boy a thorough check-up. Five fingers on each hand? With nails? Okay, good. So far so good... Now the feet... Yes, they seemed fine and complete as well. Nothing seemed out of proportion, either. What if they wouldn't grow at all?
He decided to remain calm. They seemed all right... And people or things weren't always different than they seemed.
"Who is this I'm holding, any way?" Draco asked Luna, since he himself was a disaster when it came to deciding a name for a face.
She might disagree.
Also, it would be more fun to have the girls hear the names Luna and he made up for the first time this way, rather than bluntly stating them.

Dinya-Marie looked from mummy to daddy. Daddy didn't know he was holding one of their little brothers?

"That's Adonis," Luna told him. "And this is Levi," she told the girls with a broad smile. "You girls are big sisters now, that means that you will have to take care of your little brothers, okay?"

"Tay mummy," Angelique replied with her hand in her mouth as though she were going to eat it.

"Angie, when was the last time you washed your hand?" Luna asked, and when Angelique shrugged Luna shook her head. "Go wash."

"You need some rest now, Miss Lovegood," Madame Pomfrey said quietly, taking Levi away from her. "And I don't think you will recover as quickly as you did last time, so you'll be in the hospital wing for a few days."

Luna nodded, and Madame Pomfrey went and got Adonis from Draco. The girls followed Madame Pomfrey, wanting to know where she was going with their baby brothers that they were now charged of taking care of. Luna smiled at Draco through her weariness.

"I was thinking..." she told Draco. "The wedding should be April 1st. We could great fun with it. Everyone could be wearing masks...the girls would love it..."

Draco nodded, and felt as if a huge burden fell from him. "My parents will be so glad you finally decided," he sighed, as he started to think how exactly he should write them about this. They didn't know the names for the boys, either. He wasn't even sure if they had told them what gender the babies were gong to have.
"Can I get you anything?" he asked Luna, planning to go get ink and parchment whether she needed anything or not.

She shook her head. "If you're going to write your parents, could you write my dad and tell him that the boys were born and when the wedding is?"

Luna planned on writing a letter herself as soon as she was able, but she also knew that her father would appreciate knowing he was a grandfather, again, when the Malfoy's got their notice so he was not writing about it in his paper before he got the news from his daughter. And boy did he. As soon as Mr. Lovegood got the letter, he made his way to Hogwarts not only to help in anyway he could but also to sell some newspapers. After all, Hogwarts was the school of the famous Harry Potter, and so he would get to write about the average schedule of the boy who lived. Plus, the hottest selling story in the wizarding world was that Luna Lovegood was marrying the heir to the Malfoy riches. Oh yes, as displeased as Mr. Lovegood was with his daughter for having sex before marriage, he could not have been happier about who she had done it with and the events afterwards.

Luna held out her mother's wedding dress. Her father had brought it from home, for her to wear for her wedding. Mrs. Malfoy--or mum when Mr. Malfoy wasn't around--had made sure that it was re-hemmed and fitted to Luna's body and shape. The two of them had fun picking out dresses and masks for the twin girls, who were to be first flower girls and also the maids of honor. Luna had three other bridesmaids: Mrs. Malfoy, Ginny, and Hermione.

The entire school shared excited whispers about the wedding and the dance that was to be afterwards. Everything was to be perfect, Mrs. Malfoy had arranged it so that there could be absolutely nothing wrong, although Mr. Malfoy was afraid that absolutely everything would go wrong, especially tonight. The night before the wedding was the rehearsal dinner. All of the guests were going to be there, including the entire school and all of Mr. Malfoy's VIPs. The thought alone was enough to bring butterflies to Luna's stomach.

With the wedding dress put away, Luna took out the long dark blue dress that Mrs. Malfoy had gotten her for just this occasion. She insisted that the dress was out of fashion and was not worth more than a tissue anymore anyway but it would do fine for the evening, but Luna still felt as if she were a simple maid playing dress up in the garments of a queen when she put the dress on that night.

"Mummy pretty dolly," Angelique said, and Luna turned and smiled at her. She kissed both of the girls on the head before leaving them with Madame Pomfrey for the night.

"You do look lovely, Miss Lovegood," Madame Pomfrey said, making Luna blush.

"Thank you," she said with a slight curtsey, and left to find Draco outside of the Great Hall where he said he would meet her.

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