"I decided I'll be resuming my journal entries. I guess it's out of boredom while my girlfriend is away... who is in deep trouble when she gets back... because I'm going to explode once I get the opportunity... well technically I'll be deep. *cough cough*
ANYWAY~... but even after she comes back... I guess I'll be throwing some in from time to time... a bit of my life, along with my opinions/reviews of video games, movies, anime, and other things I'm interested in.
At the moment I'm waiting for my dad to get out of the kitchen so he won't be disturbing me as I feast upon my fried chicken.
Also, all my previous journal entries... most of them anyway... are ugly. I'm dissatisfied with a lot of them. Why won't I delete them? Memories. And to remind myself that I once was someone else... or rather not so intelligent. The one I despise the most is the one about my father. He's not the man I thought he was.
Ja ne!"
Ryukinzo · Sat Jun 28, 2008 @ 01:02am · 0 Comments |